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Living MBA alumni:

Active MBA alumni clubs:

Countries in which MBA clubs exist:

Living MBA alumni who gave in past year:
17  %

Mean gift from MBA alumni:
$  1,977

Median gift from MBA alumni:
$  150

  Did school receive an individual gift in excess of $10 million in the past academic year?

Business school endowment
$  316

  Does the main university offer career placement services for alumni?

  Does the main university have an alumni networking Web site?

University alumni networking site:

  Does the B-School have an alumni networking Web site?

Business school alumni networking site:

  Do current MBA students have access to an alumni database?


Graduates seeking full-time professional MBA employment: 86  %
Graduates not seeking employment: 4  %
Graduates for whom you have no information regarding employment: 9  %

Annual job-searching trips that the school coordinates or participates in:

Destination: New York City, New York
Month: October
Amount Paid By School: Partial
Destination: San Francisco California
Month: October
Amount Paid By School: Partial
Destination: Dubai & India
Month: January
Amount Paid By School: None
Destination: Cincinnati, OH
Month: November
Amount Paid By School: None
Destination: Los Angles, CA
Month: January
Amount Paid By School: None

Primary source of job offer:

School-facilitated activities: 70  %
Graduate-facilitated activities: 29  %
No information provided by graduate: 1  %

Job Offers for 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 73  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 5  %
Received first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 0  %
Did not report having received a job offer: 22  %
Accepted first job offer by graduation: 66  %
Accepted first job offer in three months following graduation: 6  %
Accepted first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 0  %
Did not report having accepted a job offer: 29  %

Top recruiting organizations most recent academic year:

Deloitte Consulting LLP   13
Amazon.com   10
McKinsey & Company   10
Microsoft Corp   10
Bain & Company Inc.   10
Dell Inc.   9
J.P. Morgan Chase   8
A.T. Kearney Inc.   8
The Boeing Company   7
Cisco Systems, Inc.   6
Booz & Company   6
Kraft Foods Inc.   5
The Boston Consulting Group   5
The Procter & Gamble Company   5

Job-accepting graduates who received a signing bonus:
91  %

Base salary, signing bonuses and other compensation for most recent employed graduates:

Mean base salary: $  103,045
Median base salary: $  100,000
Mean signing bonus: $  25,159
Median signing bonus: $  20,000
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  21,601
Median other guaranteed compensation: $  15,000

Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following functional areas:

Consulting: 29  %
Finance/Accounting: 26  %
General Management: 7  %
Human Resources: 0  %
Marketing/Sales: 24  %
Management Information Systems (MIS): 0  %
Operations/Logistics: 5  %
Other: 10  %


Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following industries:

Government: 0  %
Consulting: 25  %
Consumer Products: 11  %
Financial Services: 5  %
Manufacturing: 8  %
Media/Entertainment: 0  %
Non-Profit: 0  %
Petroleum/Energy: 2  %
Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Health Care: 7  %
Real Estate: 0  %
Technology: 17  %
Other: 25  %

Graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Africa: 0  %
Asia: 3  %
Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia: 0  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 4  %
Middle East: 0  %
North America: 91  %
Oceana: 1  %
Western Europe: 2  %

Within North America, graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Northeast: 21  %
Mid-Atlantic: 4  %
South: 4  %
Southwest: 5  %
Midwest: 42  %
West: 21  %
Possessions and territories: 0  %
Canada: 0  %

Top recruiting organizations for internships, most recent academic year:

Amazon.com   15
American Express Company   11
McKinsey & Company   9
Dell Inc.   7
Eli Lilly & Company   7
A. T. Kearney Inc.   6
Kraft Foods Inc   6
The Boston Consulting Group   6
Citi   5
Cisco Systems Inc.   5
The Procter & Gamble Company   5
General Electric   5
J.P. Morgan Chase 7 Company   4
Cambell Soup Company   4
Johnson & Johnson   4

Internships awarded that are paid:
93  %

Weekly internship compensation:

        Mean: $ 1,376
        Median: $ 1,403

Average internship length in weeks:

School Comments:


I was already very pleased with Michigan, even as it is going through a difficult time in terms of facilities because a new building is being constructed. When the building is ready (end of 2008), I believe Michigan will be unsurpassed in terms of facilities, as well as in terms of faculty (outstanding) and as an overall learning center with an incredible history and location. -- Consulting

MBA experience at Michigan is one of the most valuable experience. Academics, Social life, Extra curricular and opportunities to develop leadership skills. -- Finance

There really isn't another program out there combines the core skills with an understanding of complex corporate responsibility issues. The program truly prepares students to use the power of business to change corporate America, society, and the environment for the better. -- Marketing

Michigan was the right fit school for me. I was looking for a good general management school. I found that Michigan lived up to its expectation of being a great place to go to school. I always knew I could count on my classmates anytime I needed help. -- Finance

The short term value of an MBA depends on your age and level of experience. The "sweet spot" is getting an MBA after you have worked 3-5 years. After working more than 3-5 years prior to enrolling in an MBA program, the opportunity cost may be too high to be justified for the short term. -- Information Technology

MBA is a single-purpose program: to work in a better place. My expectations are vastly exceeded and it's largely attributed to my school prestige and its career development efforts.-- Investment Banking

Ross is very good school with accessible faculty and a student body that is very collaborative and collegial. -- Marketing


Michigan has a great, well rounded program. However, I believe each top MBA has its own culture and strengths. I would urge friends or colleagues to go to Michigan if it was a good fit. -- Human Resources

Excellent breadth of employers seeking Michigan graduates. -- Finance

Different schools are for different people, but I feel that Michigan has a culture, and has program offerings that would be compatible with the individuals I would recommend for an MBA. -- FInance

Excellent experience, great class spirit, true friends -- Consulting

Harsh weather in winter but still a good place to study and a good university to enroll in. -- Investment Banking

I was very impressed with the entreprenerial offerings at Michigan, and was only able to take advantage of a few of the many opportunities. I also thought Michigan was very good at encouraging teamwork and a collaborative environment. -- Marketing

Ross has a community that is strong, encouraging, and boundless in interests and pursuits. -- Consulting

Ross needs to adjust its school academic calendar because lots of companies are coming to school for interview during the final exam period; very hard to focus on both. -- Marketing

Overall, the MBA was an amazing personal, professional and academic experience. I can clearly see how much I developed myself in these three fields over the 2 years. --Consulting

There is something to be said about a school that has a team spirit that is built around the football team. Every Michigan student, undergrad or grad has a common bond that is more than just the name - its the fighting spirit! -- Consulting


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Female: 33  %
International: 30  %
Married: 15  %
明白为什么女申请人占优势了 要平衡比例


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