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Harvard University(HBS) Round 1 +Round 2(8)

Round 1 (4个)

本科:复旦(理科),GPA 3.4/4。
博士:新加坡国立(工科),4 papers on top journals; 1 keynote speech at an international academic conference
G/T: G 710/5.0, T免
工作经验(3年):石油开采,2年海外油田(现场工程师+销售工程师),1年产品研发(1篇SPE paper)。有过很多海外培训机会。
从7月份初开始准备,到8/23杀G,到10月初申请完成,到11月面试,直到今天,承蒙前人的无私分享,还有各位战友的鼓励,才能有现在的收获。希望大家心想事成,OFFER 多多。

2.GMAT 三战760/5.5 T 109 人在香港 2 years at Management Consulting

3.3.5 yr WE (IB/PE), undergrad in US. GMAT: 730/5.0


Round 2 (4个)

1.In @HBS

背景:G700/T105/>5 yrs sales manager in MNC/Top 4 university


另一个感受就是,不能改变的就不要多想了,能改变的要花百分百努力做到最好。其实没所谓哪个重要哪个不重要,我的情况也不说明G/T就是浮云。申请是个整体的package,哪个部分都是越强越好,但有的东西是历史轨迹,比如学校、工作,还有运气,甚至比如G/T(我G4T3也就这个结果。。。),这些东西一旦定型就不要再郁闷了,花心思向前看focus on能做好的事情是申请的心态中最重要的一点吧。

2.In @HBS + 面经

Backgroud: THU本,Top IB 2.5 year, G 720/T 112, a lot of extra-curriculum at university

HBS的申请恰恰让我想明白了Stanford的第一道essay题目,what mattered most to you

上海HBS Hub面经:

1. Give an update about my work
2. Explain my role into more details
3. What suggestions I would give to people/company who want to do business in China
4. Talk about the strategy about my firm, how do I think whether my company could catch up with main competitor in 5 years
5. Where do I see myself in 5 years
6. What makes me unique in all IB applicants
7. What I can contribute to HBS
8. Anything else I want to talk about
9. What do I do most well and what should I improve
10. What concerned you about attending HBS

3.In @HBS + 面经

- Male
- Undergrad 华南TOP 1 school, 文学学士, GPA 3.4
- Top FMGC MNC, Brand Manager in China.
- 5.5 years WE in Marketing
- GMAT 750 / TOEFL 116 / AWA 6

HBS在上海的ADCOM interview就非常的中规中矩.

问题包括: 1. 澄清工作职责和主要挑战 2. 你做了什么令你的品牌取得成功 3. 你从工作中学到的最多的是什么 4. 你的职业目标是什么, 为什么选择现在离开 5. 你会为HBS带来什么 6. 还有什么想告诉我的.   简单的来说, 我的HBS面试体会就是understand yourself & be yourself. That’s it.

回想短暂而忙碌的MBA申请之路, 5个月前萌生申请HBS的念头时, 这个梦想是那么遥不可及. 我选择的快攻打法, 能做的只有坚持相信自己, 分析barriers选定priority, 把所有精力专注在攻克每阶段的最关键的问题. 脚踏实地的做好每个细节, 加上那么些许的灵感和好运, 也许梦想并不像自己想的那么遥远.

4.In @HBS + 面经

Female, undergrad SJTU, graduate in France. GPA is never better than 3.2.
3.5 working experience in the UK, oil and gas industry. Work mainly involves in process improvement.
G760+6, T118.

Interview questions from HBS in London:

- Talk me through how you end up where you are.- It's really about personal experience and the decision process along the way I suppose.
- Asked me something that stands out in my CV... and asked why I think I am good at it.
- Tell me about your comany, your industry, and your competitors. What does your company do?
- In your opinion, what does your company not do, but should do?
- Do you believe in what you are doing will make a difference for your company?
- What do you want to do after graduating from HBS? In long term?

- What kind of news do you follow? (There's your book question!)
The whole session was 30 min sharp. The interviewer was really friendly and complimented me all the time, making the conversation very relaxed. I felt good connection with my interviewer. Guess was just lucky!

Tips of interview? As many people mentioned, know yourself, and be yourself probably is the most important. No surprise or trap questions. The interviewer showed genuine interest in knowing me - which is nice!



Stanford MBA (5)

Round 1 (2)

1.In@Stanford,NW Kellogg,Columbia,Duke
Tsinghua under, 7-year IB finance experience in audit investment banking and private equity, 1-year experience in raising independent fund, and private equity in BJ, HK and NY, G/T 750+/110+.

2.in@HBS Wharton Columbia stanford  
700   免T

Round 2 (2)

3.11月17日杀G (从10月初开始功G)。G760/6, T免。
新加坡本科理工科,非GPA制(我用排名法换算出了3.9/4)。学术和课外活动都较丰富且均衡。有PAPER, 有CLUB,有SCHOLARSHIP。
推荐信比较强,都是很了解我的人亲自出手,拜读了推荐信后一度觉得自己的ESSAY黯然失色,也说明角度不同展示的更有层次。一个我的直属上级的MANAGING DIRECTOR印度人, 一个从我面试银行就认识后来成为MENTOR的新西兰人DIRECTOR,一个从同事后来成为挚友的新加坡女生。

4.非传统背景,G730,T104。北大,本,硕。我觉得能被Stanford录取,是每一步都比较扎实。我写的essay,尤其是第一篇what matters most那篇,老外看过觉得印象很深刻。然后面试,面试官对我印象也很深刻,主动表示会strongly recommend。也许这也是大龄申请的优势,在philosophical层面感悟和理解更深刻些。




Northwestern University (Kellogg)  (16)

Round 1 (其中有一个是一年制,其余6个都是两年的)

1.1Year Round 1 (1)

1)Typical consulting background.
一点小心得,之前被Kellogg Waive interview的同志们千万不要担心,本人也是。上周一临时收到Email,然后admin interview。
所以要相信他们说waive interview不影响录取是真的~
大家加油~ bless [/quote]

2.2Years Round 1 (6)

1)PKU本科,新加坡读的硕士,5年W/E at Engergy Major, GMAT 770
Reapplicant, 去年R2申的时候被waitlist

2)GPA3.0 男 英国top10商学院本科 6年top外资商业银行管理培训生(主要在上海)
GMAT720 托福waive 感觉面试表现还不错,感谢面试我的校友姐姐!

3)Tsinghua under, G/T 750+/110+, 7-year finance experience in audit, investment banking and private equity, 1-year experience in raising independent fund (In@Stanford,NW Kellogg,Columbia,Duke)

4)复旦经管本科. Big FMCG MKT 3year. G:740 T:107

5)FDU undergraduate
2 years at top Consulting

6)IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton
女/27/740+6/TOFEL waived
国内本科:science & English double major
美国 top 15 graduate program: science PhD
[url=mailto:IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$]IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$[/url]

Round 2(9个)


女,Gmat 740, 4IB经验,祝各位好运!


4+ WE in IT consulting


G 740/T 110/WE 4 years in high tech


传统工科,工程背景,G:770, T: Waived国外读的本科


Tsinghua Under&Master, GPA 84 out of 100, G720/5.0 T 104 commercial bank 4 years management trainee.


Female,Education: Tong Ji University, Engineering. G/T: 720/104. WE: 2 years top shipping company, supply chain,2 years top cosmetics brand, supply chain,4 years top luxury brand, marketing.

7.In @ Kellogg


8.In @ Kellogg

FDU本科,4.5 years big four+PE+real estate work experience,G740,T105(惭愧。。。),GPA3.6,passed CFA LEVEL 3,CICPA

9.In @ Kellogg

男,文科master毕业,工作6年,Hi tech行业从事Consulting工作,年龄305年的海外工作经验,跑过美洲大部分国家,掌握2门外语。目前在NYC。


Chicago MBA(19)

Round 1 (5)

1.俺毕业外校, 30好几了, 最遗憾的是没去大公司混过,当年脑子发热没去四大,也没去平安国际部,外经贸部的面试也不去. 然后经历无数磨难从一个小sales到leader最后自己开公司. 非常规的职业道路但又好似很平凡, 曲折艰辛但回过头来看又觉得自己很普通。

2.复旦本科,2年咨询,G:760 T:108

3.大陆人 Top 3 / 4(I don't know, people argue about that) BA, MA in computer science,GPA 3.3. GMAT 730, Tofel 110, dedicated extra-curriculum for environment preservation.

4.G740/4.0 T109 Reapplicant (a painful experience ) 4+ working experience in 2 US banks
no outstanding overseas experience, but a great passion for booth indeed

5.女/27/740+6/TOFEL waived
[url=mailto:IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$]IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$[/url]

Round 2 (14)

1.In @ Chicago Booth

G740, T109, W/E 2.5 years

2.In @ Chicago Booth

复旦本科,三年四大审计,三年Boutique IBG: 740 T: 106

3.In @ Chicago Booth with Scholarship

3 years Big4
2 years Top FMCG Internal Audit
G750, T107, GPA 3.6

4.In @ Chicago Booth

G 720/ T waived, GPA 3.8, 4.5 yrs W/E in Investment Management

5.In @ Booth with $$

In Canada, 760, 3.78/4.33 GPA, 2.5 years at Big 4, <1 year at a start-up in the investment management industry, part-time visiting lecturer at a Canadian university

6.In @ Chicago Booth

Education: Tong Ji University, Engineering. G/T: 720/104. WE: 2 years top shipping company, supply chain2 years top cosmetics brand, supply chain4 years top luxury brand, marketing.

7.In @ Chicago

FDU, Consulting 3 Y, G/T 770 107, GPA 3.6

8.In @ Booth

4.5y in Tech, Sales
730/5, T108

9.In @ Chicago Booth

With scholarship. Got the call yesterday.
770/ 115/ 4Y consulting

10.In @ Chicago Booth

Submitted on Jan 3, interviewed with alumni on Jan 31 in Shanghai
Background: G 750, T 108, FDU, Big 4 audit 3.5y

11.In @ Chicago Booth

G 770, T118, GPA 3.78 from a unknown uni in HK, WE 4yr big four transaction services in HK

12.In @ Chicago Booth

My background brief introduction:
GMAT: 740/ TOEFL: 104
2 years in industry research & consulting
3 years in equity research of global-scale broker
1 year in venture capital

13.In @ Chicago Booth

long time lurcker, 700+/100+/ Finance WE, based in Shanghai

14.In @ Chicago Booth

4.5y in Tech, Sales
730/5, T108



University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)  (17)

       Round 1 (6)

1.女/27/740+6/TOFEL waived
IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$

2.4.5 yr experience,big 4+boutique IB+VC

3.in wharton&Columbia

4.local土人,国内Big4背景,目前为止干了2年, G/T: 700+/100+
Wharton MBA Hub Interview面经 - R1 (2010-11-18)

Round 2(11)

1.In @ Wharton MBA


2.In @ Wharton

Background: Taiwan, Male, Undergrade with dual degree, G: 690, T:113, Consulting 3+ years, GPA 3.9

申請MBA比我想像中還要艱難多了(GMAT is a nightmare....) , 對於身心都是一場長期抗戰, 在經過多次低潮後總算有了圓滿的結果, 希望大家可以堅持到最後!

3.In @ Wharton

TokyoU本硕in engineering,4W/E in the largest Japanese PE fund($3.4Bn), 旅居日本10y+( 学习日语17年,表鄙视,中国passport holder啦), G700+/T100+

4.In @ Wharton

女,28,国内top 2 本科+硕士,美国top 5 Ph.d in engineering, 业内大公司3年经验,不过纯engineering背景真的真的很不讨喜,尤其加上advanced degree,更容易给人nerd的感觉。GMAT720+

5.In @ Wharton

PKU undergradate with double bachelor degrees, GPA 3.7, 4.5 yrs Top wall street IB (working in HK/SH/BJ), extracurricular: editor-in-chief of an acedemic book and promoted it as the best seller in China. Founder of an association at school.

6.In@ Wharton

女,Gmat 740, 4IB经验,

7.In@ Wharton

Female,Education: Tong Ji University, Engineering. G/T: 720/104. WE: 2 years top shipping company, supply chain2 years top cosmetics brand, supply chain4 years top luxury brand, marketing.

8.In@ Wharton

男,gmat 740toefl 115,三年IB经验。

9.In@ Wharton

Female,本科:Yale gpa3.8 math&econ major;
商业银行四年:Corporate strategy, corporate development (M&A), general management
Community service:microfinance club, 通过华盛顿DC的MFI给第三世界国家的银行建模型,算是义务劳动。
GMAT 770+6   托福免 (02年申本的时候考过满分)
CFA I,II, III in 1.5 years

10.In@ Wharton

北美top20本科,three degrees (B.A. and B.S. and B.S...), gpa close to 4.0
full-time 实习一年, 工作三年 (Big Four+Fortune 500 in the U.S.)
领域在很专很偏的global tax associated with M&A and cross-border transactions, 天天跟law打交道,  
AICPA,gmat 700+, T waived

11.In@ Wharton with $

Female,Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in foreign language. GPA: 3.96 for undergrad, 3.88 for graduate.                     
GMAT740. 5-years’ experience in a Fortune 500 company.


本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-5-14 15:12 编辑


In@CMU Tepper MBA及CMU On-campus面经


本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-5-14 15:14 编辑


In @ Georgetown附申请经验


本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-5-14 15:13 编辑







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