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版块介绍: 美国Top10 MBA申请、加拿大Top5 MBA申请、美国Top50 MBA申请、美国MBA申请全奖资讯、美国MBA申请活动公告!北美商学院MBA申请讨论和答疑!

版主: stream, pekinlcc, wendy~

 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  Admissions Tip: How to Write a Winning MBA Résumé 1 级热门  ...23 wendy~ 2015-6-2 20/5457 Herla 2016-1-19 17:39
  [转帖]美国前十商学院特色总结 2 级热门  ...23456 ssky 2014-4-10 55/16175 Demon 2016-1-19 17:47
  4 Reasons Why Choosing an MBA Program in Person is Better than Doing It Online Eloquent 2015-12-30 3/1543 sakola 2016-1-20 16:11
  非商科专业,四大审计经验,MBA定位,求各位帮助-内详  ...2 Xiee 2014-11-24 13/5427 smell 2016-1-21 10:18
  【Admissions Tip】 How To Handle Rejection 1 级热门  ...23 wendy~ 2015-10-21 21/5555 stady 2016-1-21 11:29
  关于美国留学的28个误区,不要再去相信了!!! Liver 2016-1-15 2/1378 Missy9 2016-1-21 14:38
  针对目前H1b的配额不足的情况大家有想过现在去美国读MBA存在的潜在风险么 1 级热门  ...23 troite 2014-7-24 24/10193 Library 2016-1-22 10:21
  MBA Application Volume Up Around the Globe, According to Latest GMAC Survey  ...2 wendy~ 2015-9-23 10/4775 snowfall 2016-1-26 15:31
  When selecting my recommendations, what should I consider? Sifei 2016-1-28 0/1267 Sifei 2016-1-28 15:57
  【Admissions Tip】 Planning For Round 2 wendy~ 2015-10-28 4/2299 Imomo 2016-1-29 14:16
  Kellogg MBA学生在线分享 – 文字实录 (2010年8月21日) 3 级热门  ...23456..7 未来的选择 2014-1-24 68/18645 Imomo 2016-1-29 14:17
  Georgetown U 乔治城大学商学院15届在校生答疑 2 级热门  ...2345 熊出没 2014-1-16 49/12501 Sata 2016-1-30 21:26
Yale SOM Online Reception (Nov 18, 2015) myice 2015-11-9 0/1540 myice 2016-1-30 21:26
  Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions 2013-2014汇总 1 级热门  ...23 wendy~ 2014-9-30 22/10496 Avera 2016-2-2 14:12
  谢谢帮忙,托福分数很尴尬,需要了解学校要求 Meredith13 2015-6-10 3/1956 colony 2016-2-4 19:32
  Choosing the Best Business School for Consulting xicheng 2015-12-24 2/1458 jiajun 2016-2-16 12:18
  Develop a Smart Social Media Strategy for Business School Applications Library 2015-12-11 2/1648 Atinu 2016-2-17 15:58
  Advice for Business School Applicants From Asia wendy~ 2015-10-30 6/2717 Crita 2016-2-19 15:25
  What makes a compelling application? muffle 2016-1-27 2/1489 Birde 2016-2-19 17:10
  4 Questions to Ask at MBA Admissions Events Library 2016-2-22 0/1435 Library 2016-2-22 10:46
  【转帖】#25 Random Things# Russell Davis, Duke MBA Admissions Officer 图片附件  ...2 carry 2015-6-29 11/6090 Turmoil 2016-2-23 17:02
  Know Your Buyer to Sell Yourself in MBA Admissions Xeija 2016-2-3 1/1641 Kindredd 2016-2-23 17:06
  Research Internship Data as an MBA Applicant muffle 2016-2-26 0/1031 muffle 2016-2-26 14:28
  【Admissions Tip】 MBA Interview Prep Beterfi 2016-2-1 1/1817 Avera 2016-2-29 16:11
  What Are the Differences Among MBA Options Available to Working Professionals? Bester 2016-2-1 1/1257 Babi 2016-3-1 14:32
  【MBA申请】写给2015年申请人的一封信  ...2 wendy~ 2015-8-21 14/4681 Xiaox 2016-3-1 16:37
  6 Tips for Getting to the Heart of Your M.B.A. Application wendy~ 2016-2-29 1/1777 fataly 2016-3-2 11:00
  Everything You Need to Know About Applying to B-School in the Final Rounds shelly1214 2016-3-2 0/1203 shelly1214 2016-3-2 11:38
  What is the admissions committee really looking for? Sitina 2016-1-28 2/1198 herbicide 2016-3-2 16:49
  5个高效学习途径,打败你的假期综合症【转】 wendy~ 2016-2-22 5/1660 issue 2016-3-3 16:31