项目名称:MS Customer Analytics(课程基本就是营销方面的课程)
Hi ,
Thank you for your good questions, and for your interest in the MSCA program at Olin. We’re glad that you’re investigating your options, and that Olin is on your radar.
To answer your first question, the MSCA is indeed a full-time program that is suitable for international students to apply for.
The MSCA program at Olin falls more in line with a Quantitative Marketing genre. It’s a very technical program, with a heavy emphasis on statistics, computer programming, and mathematics. You can find a great overview of the MSCA program online by clicking here.
While we plan to grow the program slightly next year, you can get a good picture of the program by this year’s incoming students: we have 12 incoming students, and they are split evenly between US domestic and international students. We are not sure yet what size of class we will be looking at next year, but doubling it to somewhere in the 20’s would be a realistic expectation. We don’t have a pre-determined goal of a domestic/international mix, but we always aim to have a diverse student population, and this program is no exception.
Please let us know if you have any further questions as you consider submitting your application.
Best regards,
Nate Quest
Administrative Coordinator, Specialized Masters Programs
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