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123. Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself. Since a company’s chief objective is to realize the highest possible year-end profits, any product or service that can be obtained from an independent supplier for less than it would cost the company to provide the product or service on its own should be outsourced.


Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens   the argument?

 (A) If a company decides to use independentsuppliers for a product, it can generally
exploit the vigorous competition arising among  several firms that are interested in supplying
that product.
(B) Successful outsourcing requires a company to  provide its suppliers with information about its  products and plans that can fall into the hands of  its competitors and give them a business  advantage.
(C) Certain tasks, such as processing a company’s payroll, are commonly outsourced, whereas
others, such as handling the company’s core  business, are not.
(D) For a company to provide a product or service  for itself as efficiently as an independent supplier  can provide it, the managers involved need to be  as expert in the area of that product or service  as the people in charge of that product or  service at an independent supplier are.
(E) When a company decides to use an independent  supplier for a product or service, the independent  supplier sometimes hires members of the  company’s staff who formerly made the product  or provided the service that the independent  supplier now supplies.

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个人认为B直接在反对结论,不是any product or service that can be obtained from an independent supplier for less than it would cost the company to provide the product or service on its own should be outsourced。 而c更像是在说事实上那些service常outsourc哪些不,没有削弱的功效,个人意见,仅供参考










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