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[求助] GWD 01-30

The quality of unrefined olive oil is not actually defined in terms of acidity, yet extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains perliter, the higher its quality. The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil's acidity.

If the statements above are all true, which of the following conclusions is best supported by them?

A. When an olive oil is refined, the concentration of oleic acid in the oil is reduced.
B. The quality of an unrefined olive oil can be determined only by accurately measuring its acidity.
C. If an unrefined olive oil is intermediate in acidity between two other unrefined oilve oils, it will also be intermediate  
    between them in quality.
D. Free oleic aicd is the only acid that unrefined olive oil contains.
E. People who judge the quality of unrefined olive oils actually judge those oils by their acidity, which the judges can

Answer: C

我想請問 E 如何排除 

那答案C 為什麼是答案呢

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E是无关项,请问文中怎样可以推出E来?谁说了The quality of unrefined olive oil is not actually defined in terms of acidity,人们在实际判断的时候就一定要actually judge those oils by their acidity?


C,明显的说了一种油的ACIDITY居于两者之间,而文中又说了 The proportion of free oleic acid ,架设了桥梁了,所以实际上ACIDITY居于两者之间的油,在质量上还是居于两者之间.





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