75. Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.
(A) that flourished at the same time as the civilizations - ? - `
(B) that had flourished at the same time as had the civilizations
(C) that flourished at the same time those had
(D) flourishing at the same time as those did
(E) flourishing at the same time as those were
问题一同LZ为什么此处的AS后面不是句子,因为第76句的解释就说 a clause must follow as to complete the sentence。lvqingling的解释明白了。
问题二,这里D和E选项中的those不对吗?解释中说those 应该是指代an ancient civilization 我怎么觉得是指代the civilizations 。
麻烦nn了 |