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1.18 Tofel iBT speaking JJ

1. doctor, farmer, teacher, which job is important to the society

2. 为了要使自己生活happy,人们需要喜欢自己的job,同不同意

3. 大学要给学生钱成立nature club(踏青兼学习),女的反对,第一点:non necessary,it is easy to take car/bus to the parks nearby。第二点:这种课跟实际上课一样,也需要有professor's guidance,如果没人带,只是到处晃,什么也学不到。

4. confirmation bias
accept the information which helps to confirm the point of view, would ignore the information which does not confirm the point of view.
教授给了例子:他的朋友,she wants to buy a hybrid car, friendly to environment
pros: energy efficient, eye catching to drive the car in the road
cons: require the frequent fix, spending would end up on repairing
but in the end his friend still bought that car

5. 男的第二天有一个play需要一个partner一起演,但是那个partner临时说退出,说自己很忙,男的急了,和那个女的交谈。
他自己给了自己第一个建议,从新写剧本的样子,背台词, find new scenes and new lines。第二个建议是他的女的朋友给的,说可以找她当一起演,但是她说她的演技很烂。


6. selective breeding
第二个是pea plant:本来他种子很小(small pieces),但农夫特别去找会结大果实的种子,一直种一直种,结果现在这个pea plant就变的很大了,能提供足够的food。
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