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一些语法题,共勉!欢迎讨论!(to be continued)

有答案,但是不是很理解,欢迎讨论。(FROM LZM BOOK)
7.Some psychiatric studies indicate that among distinguished artists the [U]rates of manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times as prevanlent as in[/U] the population at large.
(A)        the rates of manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times as prevanlent as in
(B)        the rates of manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times more prevalent than in
(C)        the rates of manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times as prevalent when compared to
(D)        manic depression and major depression are ten to thirteen times more prevalent than in

8.Never before had taxpayers confronted [U]so many changes at once as they had in[/U] the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
(A)        so many changes at once as they had in
(B)        at once as many changes as
(C)        at once as many changes that there were with
(D)        as many changes at once as they confronted in
(E)        so many changes at once that confronted them in

9.Despite the recent election of a woman to the office of prime minister,the status of women in Pakistan [U]is little changed from how it was [/U]in the last century.
(A)        is little changed from how it was
(B)        is a little changesdfrom how it was
(C)        has changes little
(D)        has changed little from how it has been
(E)        is little changed from the way it was

10.Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Karo excavation in Pakistan,the site of an ancient civilization [U]that flourished at the same time as the civilizations[/U] in the Nile delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.
(A)        that flourished at the same time as the civilizations
(B)        that had flourished at the same time as had the civilizations
(C)        that flourished at the same time those had
(D)        flourishing at the same time as those did
(E)        flourishing at the same time as those were

[此贴子已经被Louisa_xy于2003-1-11 23:06:31编辑过]

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I have finished my research in the past three days~~~


"is little changed from how it was"
redundant,little的位置不好,而且不如现在完成时好。has changed little就是你要表达的意思


我觉得the recent election 用is,in the last century用was,不挺好的对比吗?题干里没有明显的过去时间(除了in the last century以外)标志呀,怎么不能用is呢?再说白大侠强调逻辑意思优先的呀。 还是有点不开窍(十窍已经通了九窍)。


9.C 不是perfect,但是best.如果把in the last century改成since...更好一些。
A、B、E用现在时is是错的,D里 from how it has been in the last century时态也是错的,C虽不完美,但是最佳的选项。

10.什么时候不补出动词我说不好,但是在这里是不需要 did.
在比较(比如 than)的时候,不出现歧义,后面的谓语动词可以不要。



9题。虽然from the way it was 好像多余,但它表明change发生在本世纪。若无,则成了has changes(应为changed!是我太太不小心敲错了) little in the last century。改变了原句意思。LZM的答案也是c,偶觉得有点费解。
10题。什么情况下可以不补出动词:did?  C就有had。  


lilya,不会介意吧? 你在编辑帖子的时候可以加下划线。






7. 同意Mush,rates 可高可低,但不是, 疾病可以prevalent

8.D 用过去时 “纳税人在1986年的税改法案中一次遇到的变化是在此之前从未遇到的”
As…as..可以用在肯定句和否定句中, so..as,只能用在否定句中

9 C
from how it was 是多余的,既然说是变化,当然是和以前相比,没有必要在说明。应该用现在完成时 has changed little

10. A
flourished 是发生在过去的事实,“Pakistan的文明和….的文明同时兴盛”—同是发生在过去的事实。
文明flourish 不会在文明出现之前



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