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need some help

I am a f-2 in US. I am applying for Master of Accouting. I do not know what role of the location of school plays in seeking job. I live in Chicago now. Now I face two choices: several unknown schools in downtown Chicago and several top schools in far-away and small place. Which school should I choose? Please give me some suggestions. Thank you very much!

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-1-4 5:36:46编辑过]

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-1-4 5:38:59编辑过]

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The problem is the best univ.in chicago is not among the top school.Should I choose such unknown school and abandon those univ.such as Indiana,Michigan state and Ohio state?


of course you should choose the best univ. in chicago if you can.



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