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写了篇Topic 5,麻烦大家帮看看这样的结构是否可行。

A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

The news that a company wish to build a large factory near my community has been hotly discussed in these days. Facing this problem, people are gaving different answers. Some of them believed that a new factory is beneficial to our community, while others suggest to reject this project. Before giving my opinion, let’s asume that the factory has been built up already, what are the gains and loses would it casue?

The first plain turth, one of main advantages, is that the new factory can bring many job opportunities, including direct ones that produced by the factory instantly and a great deal of indriect ones, such as jobs in restaurants, stores, and shops around the factory. Countless facts also witness that large factories built in community can substantially improved the employment of these areas, especially in many undeveloped regions.

Fiancial income is another main advantage I want to stress here. According to the laws in my country, industrial factory have to turn in over 33% of its income to the local government used as tax. So if the factory can be built and operated as soon as possible, the tax income of our community would be increased largely. With these money, we can build various of necessary living and working facilities, such as library, culture centre and exercise gym, providing chances for community members to elevate themselves both physically and mentally.As a result, make our community more and more flourishing.

On the other hand, the new factory has its demerits as well and on no account can we ignore the effect of them.The main disadvantage is that the new factory may become a pollution source, putting our community into living dangers. As we all know, a factory can produce many kinds of pollutions, including noise, waste air, polluted water and so on, which will definitely depress our living standard and do harm to our health. It is also the major reason why many people are againsting the project.

To sum up, giving the advantages and disadvantages discussed above, I think the merits of building a factory carry more weight than the demerits of it. So the more attractive conclusion is obvious. However, although we permit the plan of new factory, we can never give up the attempt to protect our environment.

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以下是引用daoying在2006-9-5 20:19:00的发言:

it better to put out the opinion at the beginning of the article and let the reader know what you are talking about.



many  thanks !!!!


it better to put out the opinion at the beginning of the article and let the reader know what you are talking about.



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