- 精华
- 0
- 积分
- 364
- 经验
- 364 点
- 威望
- 0 点
- 金钱
- 1495 ¥
- 魅力
- 394
The following are the standards for your reference. Hope this helps.
GPA英语全称是grade point average,意思就是平均分,美国的GPA满分是4分,即A=4, B=3,C=2, D=1.GPA的精确度往往达到小数点后1到2位,如:3.0,3.45。GPA的计算一般是将每门课程的学分乘以 学时,加起来以后除以总的学时,得出平均分。中国学校的分数设置一般是百分制或五分制,具体的折合方式视不同的美国大学的要求而有所不同,一般来讲,百分制中的90分以上可视为4分,80分以上 为3分,70分以上为2分,60分以上为1分,五分制中的5分为4分,4分为3分,3分为2分,2分为1分。中国许多大学的成绩单上没有学时,因此,GPA只能估算,可将所有课程的成绩加起来后除以课程数。一般美国大学对于奖学金申请者的GPA要求是3.0以上。
声明一点:一切GPA 的算法,因学校而不同。现在提供的,纯是一个参考,具体是如何算,一定要自己去谘询所申请学校。
If you are applying Canadian universities, I can give you some advice. Generally, Canadian universities accept the grading system in China. That means, you don't need to convert your grades. The requirement in good univerisities is 85/10, while some universities only require 80/100. If you do want to convert your grades, or the university you applied has such a requirement, then you should use the following table:
90or above --> A+ 4.3
85-89 --> A 4.0
80-84 --> A- 3.7
75-79 --> B+ 3.3
70-74 --> B 3.0
65-69 --> B- 2.7
60-64 --> C+ 2.3
Most of the universities in Canada use the above table, but some univers ities do have their own grading system. Some have a 4.0 base grading system. And some others rate 85 or above as A+. And sometimes the grading system is different from department to department.
You should convert every course to 4.3 based grade and then calculate the average. At last you write the GPA as *.*/4.3 Some Chinese universities write their converting table in the transcripts. In that case, I think you will have to follow your university. |