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107. Because of the recent transformation of the market, Quore, Inc., must increase the next two years, or it will certainly go bankrupt. In fact, however, Quore's production structure is such that if a 10 percent productivity increase is possible, then a 20 percent increase is attainable. If the statement above are true, which of the following must on the basis of them also be true?

(a) It is only Quore's production structure that makes it possible for Quore to survive the transformation of the market.

(b) Quore will not go bankrupt if it achieves a productivity increase of 20 percent over the next two years.

(c) If the market had not beeen transformed, Quore would have required no productivity increase in order to avoid bankruptcy.

(d) Because of the transformation of the market, Quore will achieve a productivity increase of 10 percent over the next two years.

(e) If a 20 percent productivity increase is unattainable for Quore, then it must go bankrupt.

答案是e. 不知道是不是我手上的题目有问题,理解不了什么逻辑。请指教~

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我同意你的意见,如果文章第一句话中加上那个10%,比较严密,现在等于还要自己推出increase10%Q not increase production这一步,在GMAT中又是犯了白痴推理的忌。


谢谢解答~ 所以我的题目没有错吗? 那可不可以认为是这道题出的有问题阿?

题目的前半部分是not increase→go bankrupt



或者应该是 Because of the recent transformation of the market, Quore, Inc., must increase 10% the next two years, or it will certainly go bankrupt.





transformation of the marketA)→Q increase its productionB

Q not increase its production(非B)→Q will go bankruptC

选项A的表述为:Q’s production structureQ will not go bankrupt(非C),无法从题干中推出。

选项B的表述为:Q increase productionB)→Q will not go bankrupt(非C),为②的逆命题, 不成立(原命题与其逆否命题等价)。

选项C的表述为:market had not been transformed(非A)→Q will not need to increase its production(非B),为①的逆命题, 不成立(原命题与其逆否命题等价)。

选项D的表述为:transformation of the marketA)→Q will achieve a productivity increase10%,无法从题干中推出。关键是这个10%,文章中没有肯定

选项E的表述为:文章中有个前提是Increase10%increase20%. 取非后即选项的意思Not increase20%not increase10%Q not increase production(非B)→Q will go bankruptC),与②一致。

我现在吃不准的是increase10%Q not increase production这一步推理到底能够成立?



10%的productivity increase是企业存活的必要条件,即非A推出非B,先看选项找否定意思的,得B,E;选项B是A推非B,错;而E很别扭就是20%的概念。我觉得只能这样理解,10%达到了,企业就活了,而10%达到了20%一定达到,那企业必然会达到20%,选项E递推了一下,把10%的概念换成20%。这是最大的干扰。




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