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1. Set theright tone: How you communicate is often more important than what you communicate. In other words, your tone needsto be positive but not pompous; conversational but not colloquial; thoughtfulbut not trivial.

注意和录取官各个环节的交流, 这包括你和他们的邮件或者电话, 甚至是面试, 因为你申请的是商学院, 所以要尽可能表现得职业化。

2. Answer thequestions:This seems like a no brainer, yet it happens so often. While there are many topics on which you could wax eloquent, stick to the topics requested for the essay question or questions. AnM.B.A. applicant's credibility quickly sinks when he or she submits a lengthyessay that, while interesting, is not on point.

3. Adhere to wordcount:Another huge temptation for M.B.A.applicants is to exceed the word limit. This will hurt you.Admissions staff evaluate literally thousands of business school applicationessays. They will look negatively on an application with a 10-page essay whenthe length requested was 1 page. If you cannot follow directions at this point,you're likely not to get the opportunityto demonstrate you can follow directions as an M.B.A. student at that school.

MBA 得申请文书通常有字数限制, 如果超出字数无疑增加录取官得工作量, 不太会有积极影响。

4. Dot the I's andcross the T's:Checkand recheck for accuracy, correct grammar and spelling. Do not obsess, but at the same time, make sureyour essays are the best they can be. Have someone read them for styleand accuracy. Remember: Poorly constructed essays are a kiss of death.


5. Avoid the"whoops": Believeit or not, it happens more than you think: Essays are sent to the wrong institution. It seemsalmost silly, but often essays meant for one program end up going to another.

6. Weigh the"optional" essay:Sometimesyou are given an opportunity to complete an optional essay. The optional essay is typicallyoffered for one primary reason: to give the M.B.A. applicant an opportunity toconvey additional information that he or she believes will truly help make theapplication complete. If you believe something important has beenmissed, this is your opportunity to provide that information. But remember, ifyou are going to use this question to address a part of your application thatyou believe is a potential disadvantage, do not offer excuses. Instead, provideclarification.

Optional essay 可以被用来解释你的一些不足,但注意需要比较能站得住脚得理由哦。

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很棒的建议 谢谢楼主呐..







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