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OG12-16 关于比较的that of

16. Retail sales rose 0.8 of 1 percent in August,
intensifying expectations that personal spending in
the July–September quarter more than doubled that
of the 1.4 percent growth rate in personal spending
for the previous quarter.
(A) that personal spending in the July–September
quarter more than doubled that of
(B) that personal spending in the July–September
quarter would more than double
(C) of personal spending in the July–September
quarter, that it more than doubled
(D) of personal spending in the July–September
quarter more than doubling that of
(E) of personal spending in the July–September
quarter, that it would more than double that of
A Th e simple past-tense verb form does not
express the forward-looking sense of
B Correct. By using the verb would double,
this concise sentence indicates that the
expectation has not yet been realized.
C Th is construction is awkward, announcing
the topic (personal spending) and then
elaborating in a relative clause that restates
this topic as it.
D Although this option is not technically
wrong, it is less clear and graceful than B.
E Like option C, this sentence is awkward and
unnecessarily wordy, announcing the topic
and then using an additional clause to
elaborate on it.
这题到底应不应该有that of 啊?题目的解释中好像感觉有没有都对啊 为什么呢?
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怎么就是比较0.8 of 1和1.4%了呢?这两个分明不在同一个句子中


在这里that of是多余的,因为在语法中,that of中的that必须要有指代的对象,但是请楼主看下句子, 是比较0.8 of 1 percent 和the 1.4 percent growth rate 的,比较对象已经很明确的表达出来了,不需要用that来指代了。一般that指代出现的题都是前后比较缺少比较成分的时候,后一比较对象要需要用that来指代的。呵呵 楼主加油哦~ 语法很头疼啊~


还是不明白, 能不能具体解释下,og中确实没有说明


that of 这里是多余的,因为前后比较对象都有的情况下是不需要that的,况且本题的that of 是指代什么呢,不会是指代sales的



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