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以下是引用开若兰在2008-12-2 17:23:00的发言:

3 楼的中文解释似乎不是关于这道题的。


Originally, Phoenician writing ran in either direction, but by the eighth century B.C. it had been consistently written from right to left for about two centuries.

这句话的意思是:起初,Phoenician 的写字习惯不固定(两个方向的都有);但是到公元前8世纪为止,他们固定地从右往左写字的习惯已经持续了2个世纪了。这句话隐含的意思是:从公元前10世纪到公元前8世纪这段时间里,Phoenician 的写字习惯都是固定从右往左的。而题中所说现存最早的希腊碑文既有从右向左写的,也有从左向右写的。同时希腊人的拼音文字是向 Phoenician 学来的,包括文字的顺序写法。由此可推测出,希腊人一定是在公元前10世纪甚至更早的时间,当 Phoenician 还采用双向写法的时候学来的拼音文字。所以这道题的结论是:虽然现在发现的最早的希腊碑文是公元前8世纪的,但是作者有理由相信希腊人采用拼音文字的时间还要再早两个世纪。




3 楼的中文解释似乎不是关于这道题的。


Originally, Phoenician writing ran in either direction, but by the eighth century B.C. it had been consistently written from right to left for about two centuries.

这句话的意思是:起初,Phoenician 的写字习惯不固定(两个方向的都有);但是到公元前8世纪为止,他们固定地从右往左写字的习惯已经持续了2个世纪了。这句话隐含的意思是:从公元前10世纪到公元前8世纪这段时间里,Phoenician 的写字习惯都是固定从右往左的。而题中所说现存最早的希腊碑文既有从右向左写的,也有从左向右写的。同时希腊人的拼音文字是向 Phoenician 学来的,包括文字的顺序写法。由此可推测出,希腊人一定是在公元前10世纪甚至更早的时间,当 Phoenician 还采用双向写法的时候学来的拼音文字。所以这道题的结论是:虽然现在发现的最早的希腊碑文是公元前8世纪的,但是作者有理由相信希腊人采用拼音文字的时间还要再早两个世纪。





Although the earliest surviving Greek inscriptions written in an alphabet date from the

eighth century B.C., a strong case can be made that the Greeks actually adopted

alphabetic writing at least two centuries earlier. Significantly, the text of these earliest

surviving Greek inscriptions sometimes runs from right to left and sometimes from left to

right. Now, the Greeks learned alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and in the

process they would surely have adopted whatever convention the Phoenicians were

then using with respect to the direction of writing. Originally, Phoenician writing ran

in either direction, but by the eighth century B.C. it had been consistently written from

right to left for about two centuries.

In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A. The first is the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second reports a

discovery that has been used to support a position that the argument opposes.

B. The first is the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second presents

an assumption on which the argument relies.

C. The first presents evidence that is used in support of the position that the

argument seeks to establish; the second presents an assumption on which the

argument relies.

D. The first is an objection raised against a position that the argument opposes; the

second is the position that the argument seeks to establish.

E. The first is an objection raised against a position that the argument opposes; the

second is evidence that has been used to support that position.









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