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OG12 Diagnostic Test 43

43. Despite the increasing number of women graduating from law school and passing bar examinations, the proportion of judges and partners at major law firms who are women have not risen to a comparable extent.
(A) the proportion of judges and partners at major law firms who are women have not risen to a comparable extent
(B) the proportion of women judges and partners at major law firms have not risen comparably
(C) the proportion of judges and partners at major law firms who are women has not risen comparably
(D) yet the proportion of women judges and partners at major law firms has not risen to a comparable extent
(E) yet the proportion of judges and partners at major law firms who are women has not risen comparably
When a number of plural nouns appear in phrases between a singular subject and the verb, it can be easy to overlook the true subject of the verb. Here, judges, partners, firms, and women all occur between the singular subject, proportion, and the verb, which should also be singular, has risen. Concise expression is particularly important in a long construction; to a comparable extent may be more concisely expressed as comparably.
A Plural verb, have risen, does not agree with the singular subject, proportion.
B Have risen does not agree with proportion; here, women applies only to judges, not to partners at major law firms.
C Correct. In this sentence, has risen agrees with proportion, and comparably is more concise than to a comparable extent. The
modifying clause who are women follows (1) judges and (2) partners at major law firms as closely as is possible given the content of
the sentence; this positioning has the virtue of being clear in its meaning.
D Th e contrast has already been introduced by despite, so the addition of yet is illogical and ungrammatical; to a comparable extent is
E Despite introduces the contrast; adding yet is illogical and results in an ungrammatical construction.
Th e correct answer is C.
1. B答案的解释说women只能修饰judges,我不明白为什么不能既修饰judeges又修饰partnes
2. 正确答案C中at major law firms 和 who are women修饰的只是partners,还是judges and partners,为什么?
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1.主谓一致,the proportion所以用单数,直接排了AB的复数谓语
2.句子结构,despite xxx, 后面应该是SVO的主语,而不是由连接词的yet表达,所以在剩余的CDE中,直接排了DE这种重复的情况这种错误的结构就好比是although svo, svo正确,而不应该是although svo, and/but/yet svo





1. B答案的解释说women只能修饰judges,我不明白为什么不能既修饰judeges又修饰partnes    women judges,女法官gmat里面为了表意清晰避免起义,修饰语是就近原则,如果表示女法官和女partner,应该再partner前加women


2.限制性定语从句的修饰就是修饰先行词,也就是离它最近的一个名词性结构,如果有and的话,要根据句意来判断,who are women修饰的前面一个and并列结构,根据句意是修饰整个and结构的。



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