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1、我想申请2006年加拿大的top mba,现在的目标是ivey 和rotman,我从网上了解了一些他们的情况,但还想请教各位大牛这两个学校各自的特点以及他们prefer什么样的申请人? 2、除了这两所学校以外,加拿大还有其他优秀的商学院麻? 我自己的情况是文科背景,金融行业工作经验,GMAT690,toefl10月考,请各位大牛不吝赐教!谢谢了

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关于加拿大MBA, 这里谈一下我的个人观点: 选择商学院,名气固然重要,但是最重要的要看自己的背静还有就是将来的发展方向。否则,选 择了学校后悔不算,累也累死了。 如果你是金融背景,也特别希望进入银行,保险公司等Finance行业,那么Rotman绝对首选。 如果你善于辩论,勇于挑战自我,有意图到世界各地发展,并且对于General Management感兴趣,毫无疑问去Ivey。世界上最典型的案例教学的三个学校有Harvard, Darden, 和Ivey。套用一句话:如果你恨一个人,就让他到Ivey; 如果你爱一个人,也让他去Ivey。 York的IMBA据说非常不错,能有世界各地工作实习机会。 Queen's非常注重工科背景的申请者,12个月的紧张学习压力很大。 UBC作为后起之秀发展迅速。15个月的项目很牛。 McGill在北美很有名气,老美特喜欢。据说是加拿大的“哈佛”,其它的学校也就不罗索了。


以下是引用stanleyli在2005-7-18 17:29:00的发言:

I also plan to hedge the risk of U.S visa by applying for a Canadian school.

Rotman's location is a plus. Living cost in London is cheaper though. Could you explain why Rotman is stronger in Finance than Ivey? Is it because of its faculty, job placement, or any other factor?

Yes, Rotman is stronger in finance because of its traditional academic strength in finance, location in Toronto--the finance centre of Canada, and job placement. It is commen sense that most people go to Rotman for its finance strength.


I also plan to hedge the risk of U.S visa by applying for a Canadian school.

Rotman's location is a plus. Living cost in London is cheaper though. Could you explain why Rotman is stronger in Finance than Ivey? Is it because of its faculty, job placement, or any other factor?


Rotman is stronger in Finance field, while Ivey is good at GM; and Queen is ecellent in technical regard. Good luck.


First, forget about Queen's. It's a MIS school. Between Ivey and Rotman, it's hard to say.


我今年主要申请美国的学校,加拿大的学校只是作为万一签证出问题时的候补,所以只准备申请一所加拿大学校,请教各位:在Ivey,Queen和Rotman 中哪个学校的Finance更强些? 本人在国内主要从事固定收益资产管理工作,5年工作经验。


Your profile is pretty good for Ivey and Rotman. Besides Ivey and Rotman, I recommend Queen’s and York.


I heard that Queens is also good



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