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OG SC38题

38.  In 1850, LucretiaMottpublished her Discourse on
Women, arguing in a treatise for women to have equal
political and legal rights and for changes in the
married women’s property laws.
(A)  arguing in a treatise for women to have equal
political and legal rights
(B)  arguing in a treatise for equal political and legal rights for women
(C)  a treatise that advocates women’s equal political and legal rights
(D)  a treatise advocating women’s equal political
and legal rights
(E)  a treatise that argued for equal political and
legal rights for women

我的问题是 E) 选项的 argued 不应该是现在时的 argue吗?因为一本书或一个著作的argue应该是不分过去和现在
所以我本来想选e 但是又因为我以为动词的时态错而选了B 后面的答案没有解释动词的时态问题

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注意OG中的这么一句话“it is redundant and confusing topresent her as both publishing her Doscpirse and arguing in a treatise ,as though they were two separate things”, argue伴随publish不合适,因为这本来就是一件事,所以redundant。排除AB选项。

2、注意划线后的and for charges。

advocate ... and for changes并列不当。(没有成分和for changes并列),而用argue for equal political and legal rights ... and for changes...则并列得当。(argue for 赞成,支持,论证)因此排除CD选项。


不太确定哦。。。试着讲下我的思路。。。如果选了B的话就有可能是分词修饰结构了,当现在分词在句末而且前面有逗号的时候一般优先做临近句子的伴随状语或结果状语。你看这里的arguing如果做了这两种状语的话意思都不太对,即使按你说的应该是现在时的argue,我觉得句子就该变成"a treatise that argues"...也绝对不会是ing形式。这里没这个选项,所以我当时就按照主句时态选了E啦~~~也不知道思路对不对,请大家指正呀!



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