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沒有工作經驗, 想詢問申請mba的可能性

各位前輩好, 因為父母的期望, 小弟想直接從大學跳mba. 以下是我的基本資料, 希望大家可以給我點意見.

大學: Northwestern, 西北大學四年級, double major in Industrial Engineering and Economics

GPA: 3.02 (前兩年玩掉了, 可是大三幾乎都是3.3左右)
GMAT: 9/15要考, 但是gmat的official模擬考大概都有700~730
Work Experience: 沒有professional work experience,
    但是有大學3個暑假分別在台灣, 香港, 以及南韓(我有學過一年的韓語), 從事marketing跟finance related的工作, 其中在香港的是BlackRock
    我也在Kellogg的商學院做過research, 其中一個推薦信應該是可以由我的指導教授幫我寫

希望是可以有top 20的學校, 但是usc boston college 我也可以是可以接受.

順便請問一下, 在美國考gmat看基經有用嗎? gmat是國際共通題庫嗎?

麻煩大家幫忙了. 感激不盡
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Top 10 with a Undergrad GAP 3.02 ?  Plus no professional  WE? Even with 700+ GMAT, I still can’t imagine TOP 10 for at least 2 years….


are you kidding me, even though NW is a great undergrad school,

but with a 3.3gpa you managed to get some sort of summer internship

with Black-fucking-rock, and on top of that, you had research

experience at kellogg. I mean clearly you have connections, just

cut the BS, make good use of those connections, get those high

rollers to write you some flying recommendation letters, that's all

anybody could ask for.


thank you for your input.

But honestly I don't think i am that competitive at all. I am really concerned with my low gap and the fact that I don't have any professional working experience.
I only did a short term research in Kellogg, and i am sure this experience won't get me into Kellogg MBA.(for now)

I am not really expecting the top 10, and I will be very very happy with Duke, NYU stern, or USC.

Maybe I should work for a few years before b-school? I am really really confused....


holy cow, I wouldn't even look at schools below top 10 if I were

you .... I think you could trash USC/BC (not that they are bad)

from your list.

maybe you want to wait a couple of years before applying. Worst

case, you go back to Kellogg



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