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GMAT verbal满分的秘密--语法部分

1. A “calendar stick” carved centuries ago by the Winnebago tribe may provide the first evidence that the North American Indians developed advanced full-year calendars based on systematic astronomical observation.

2.A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.

A collection of 38 poems by Phillis Wheatley, a slave, was published in the 1770’s, the first book by a Black woman and only the second published by an American woman

4. A common disability in test pilots is hearing impairment, a consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time.

5 A controversial figure throughout most of his public life, the Black leader Marcus Garvey advocated that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that, to him, symbolized the possibility of freedom.

6. A fire in an enclosed space burns with the aid of reflected radiation that preheats the fuel, making ignition much easier and causing flames to spread more quickly.

7. A firm that specializes in the analysis of handwriting claims to be able, from a one-page writing sample, to assess more than three hundred personality traits, including enthusiasm, imagination, and ambition.

8. A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it is believed to have been the largest flying creature the world has ever seen.

9. A Labor Department study states that the number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-five percent in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the civilian work force.


A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year should boost new construction dollars by several billion dollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than it was five years ago



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133 During the 1950s, as part of their therapy, young polio victims learning to live with their disabilities were helped to practice falling, so that they could learn to fall without being hurt.
134 The rarer something becomes, whether it is a baseball card or a musical recording or a postage stamp, the more avidly it is sought by collectors.
135 As recently as 1950, tuberculosis was never curable unless patients were sequestered in sanitariums; today, the drug Isoniazid has made such treatment obsolete.
136 As researchers continue to probe the highly expressive vocal and postural language of wolves, the close resemblance between wolves and dogs becomes ever more striking.
137 Russell Banks suggests that a lack of grand ideas has left writers with only
semiotics, hermeneutics, and deconstruction.
138 Because sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined 13.6 percent in late February, many analysts concluded that evidence of a recovering automotive market remains slight.
139 As the etched lines on computer memory chips have become thinner and the chips’ circuits more complex, the power of both the chips and the electronic devices they drive has vastly increased.
140 As the housing affordability gap widens, middle-income families are especially hard-hit, for these families can no longer afford to buy homes, yetrising rental rates force them to use far more than the standard 25 percent of their incomes for housing, leaving them with no equity or tax write-offs to offset the expenditures.
141 As the price of gasoline rises, making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute the prices of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


128 it becomes more common for both husband and wife to work outside the home companies are beginning to help in finding new employment for the spouses of transferred employees.
129 As litigation grows more complex, the need for experts to explain technical issues becomes more apparent.
130 As many as 300 of the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may actually be the works of his students or other admirers.
131. As measured by the Commerce Department, corporate profits peaked in the fourth quarter of 1988 and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs.
132 As more and more people invest their money in savings certificates or money-market funds in order to earn higher interest, they are abandoning traditional low-interest investment havens such as passbook accounts and life insurance policies.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


116 Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep it from being stolen by invaders.
117 Architects and stonemasons, the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel
118. Art museums do not usually think of their collections as capital or consider the interest income that would be generated if a portion of the capital were
invested in another form.
119. Artificial intelligence emerged during the late 1950’s as an academic discipline based on the assumption that computers could be programmed to think like people
120 A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


116 Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep it from being stolen by invaders.
117 Architects and stonemasons, the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel
118. Art museums do not usually think of their collections as capital or consider the interest income that would be generated if a portion of the capital were
invested in another form.
119. Artificial intelligence emerged during the late 1950’s as an academic discipline based on the assumption that computers could be programmed to think like people
120 A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


111 An inventory equal to 90 days sales is as much as even the strongest businesses carry, and then only as a way to anticipate higher prices or ensure against shortages.
112. An unusually strong cyclist can, it is hoped, provide enough power to set a new distance record for human-powered aircraft in MIT’s diaphanous construction of graphite fiber and plastic.
113 Analysts blamed May’s sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the weather, which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions, slowing sales of barbecue grills and lawn furniture.
114 Ancient Romans found it therapeutic to bathe in cold milk, crushed strawberries, or black caviar
115 Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and indicate that it is present when it is not.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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