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我从Gmat Club上转载过来的。给个简明的中文摘要:Darden面试成功要诀说出自己的故事,射出强烈的秋波,让面试官发出拿什么将你遗忘的感叹。
Had my interview with a member of the AdCom this morning. Allinterviews are 100% blind, she knew nothing about me or my application.It started with her asking questions about my childhood, where I wasfrom, what my family was like, etc. We progressed through undergrad andmy career, but rather than focusing on "resume-type" accomplishments,we talked more about WHY I made certain decisions, and what matters tome.
We eventually got to "why MBA", but I was never directlyasked "why Darden". I tried to weave a few pieces of "why Darden" intoour conversation. Before I knew it 45 mins was up, she gave me theopportunity to ask questions....so we talked about job prospects for abit. After an hour we were still chatting, but she had to cut it off.
OverallI think (hope) it went well, but with interviews like this its alwayshard to tell. I forgot to mention a few things that I'd hoped to workin. Oh well.
My advice to those still yet to interview:
create a mini-list of items you for sure want to cover (interestinganecdotes), its easy to get caught up in the conversation, then beforeyou know it you missed your chance to talk about that interestingundergrad EC (since you're already talking about your job)
beready to NOT talk about accomplishments, she almost seemeddisinterested when I did. I guess it makes sense, there is no point tojust regurgitate your resume during the interview - they already haveit on file. Talk about something ELSE, something interesting/dynamic
do your homework and be able to convey sincere interest in the program(I honestly think this is a big part of the interview...they try togauge this)
She said her comments would be added to my overallapplication file, then it would undergo a final review and a decisionwould be made.
Thats about it I guess. Feel free to ask me any specific questions, I'd be happy to help out.
Ohand also, she said they release ALL decisions (including financial aid)on Jan 28th, so no crazy stressful hair pulling out for weeks on end(ahem...Kellogg...). I was happy to hear that.
Best of luck to everyone. |