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Part 1: Relationship

1.What is your relationship to, and how long have you known the applicant? Is this person still employed by your organization? If not, when did he/she depart? (How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?)
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many  thanks !!!!




Effectiveness of leadership
Effectiveness of teamwork
Ability to handle conflict
Ability to cope with pressure
Ability to cope with setbacks
Ability to inspire and motivate others
Effectiveness of communication skills
Ability to see opportunity and take initiative
Overall drive and motivation
Organization and time-management skills
Overall intelligence
Analytical ability
Intellectual curiosity
Ability to think creatively
Professional impression and poise
Positive attitude

Please give examples in the space below to support any Top 5% or Bottom 20% ratings.


Tuck MBA Recommendation Questions 2010-2011

What is your relationship to the applicant (supervisor, colleague, etc.)?

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what context? Have you served as the
applicant’s supervisor? If so, please provide approximate dates. Please comment upon the
frequency and nature of your interactions with the applicant.

2. What are the applicant’s three principal strengths? Please provide an example of each.

3. In which three areas can the applicant improve? Please provide an example of each. How
has the applicant worked to address these areas?

4. How does the applicant respond to constructive criticism?

5. Please compare the applicant on the scale below with others in his/her peer group
whom you have known during your professional career.


Wharton MBA Recommendation Question 2010-2011

Please answer the following questions in a separate document, using the Upload Document button at the bottom of the screen. Please also:
Answer all of the questions in a single document.
Single space your answers.
Separate your answers by writing each question at the top of each response.

1) How long have you known the applicant and describe your relationship to the applicant?

2) Provide an example of constructive feedback you have provided to the applicant. How did the applicant receive this feedback and what efforts did the applicant make to address the concern?

3) Please provide an example of a time when the applicant was particularly successful at interacting with others in a team (employees, peers, managers, etc.); how was the applicant successful? How does the applicant compare to his/her peers in this dimension?

4) Provide an example of a time when the applicant did not meet expectations. What was the outcome? How did s/he handle the setback?

5) How has the applicant’s career progressed over the time that you have known him/her? How does this growth compare to his/her peer group? Please describe the peer group that you are comparing this applicant.

6) Provide any additional comments you think would assist the Admissions Committee in making its decision.


Part 6: Flaws

11.In what ways could the applicant improve professionally? (In what areas does the applicant need improvement or growth?)

12.If you could change one thing about the applicant, what would it be? (Which of the applicant's personal or professional characteristics would you change?)

13.If you have had the opportunity to provide the applicant with constructive feedback, please provide specific examples of the feedback and the applicant's response to it.

14.How does the applicant accept constructive criticism?

Part 7: Others

15.Comment on your observations of the applicant's ethical behavior.

16.What do you think motivates the candidate's application to MBA School?

17.What one quality of the applicant do you wish all of your staff possessed?

18.Please tell us anything else you think we should know about this applicant. (Please feel free to provide any other information you think is relevant to our evaluation.)



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