- 精华
- 1
- 积分
- 952
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- 952 点
- 威望
- 75 点
- 金钱
- 407 ¥
- 魅力
- 211
MBA的essay题目,有些不是让申请人直接谈自己的,比如,有的学校让你作为晚宴的主人,邀请四位嘉宾,然后,问你为什么选这几个人,并且问你想让大家在一起讨论什么?我有一个朋友,她邀请了the China’s earliest great philosopher Confucius, the CEO of Johnson & Johnson James Burke, the CEO of Toyota Motor Corp. Akio Toyota, her previous employer XXX,大家可以看看,这四个人之间有联系吗?其实不仅仅是这四个人,不要忘记那个第五人,就是晚宴的主人。ADCOM要考察的是主人,而不是台面上的四位客人。
Essay 1:If you could host a dinner party and invite any four people, either living or dead, whom would you invite and what would the five of you discuss together? There is no right answer concerning the dinner guests; rather, we want you to be creative and thoughtful in your response. Space is limited to 4000.
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