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Marketing 这门课~转自UC Berkeley校友的博客

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-7-13 10:20 编辑

上学期的后半学期(10月22日到12月10日,7周左右)上了四门必修课,其中我最喜欢的是 Marketing,这不仅因为我最近几年做的产品管理的工作属于 Marketing 的范畴,也因为这门课的老师 Prof. Rashi Glazer 很有个性。


Marketing这门课的教授是 Professor Rashi Glazer,他是一位老教授了,估计应该有60多岁了:
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现在回头看,在短短的七周里,Prof. Glazer 通过和我们一起讨论这些不同行业、不同产品、不同竞争形势的案例,希望我们了解和掌握分析 marketing 问题的一般思路和一般原则:

一开始先“知己”,弄清楚自己所在的形势,包括现有的 customers, competitors, your own strength & weaknesses, environment (policy etc.);
然后搞清楚你的目标 objectives,要 profit 还是 market share;
然后我感觉最难的是做好 Customer Segmentation,以及针对每个 segment  做  Positioning  和 Value Proposition.
只有想清楚了 Segmentation 和 Value Proposition,才好做进一步的 functional decisions,包括
Product decision,
Distribution decision,
Pricing decision,
Communications decision 等等
而且这些战术级别的决定 (Tactics) 都必须和战略级别的决定(Strategy)一致。
同时从时间维度上讲,在产品从 introduction,到 growth,到 maturity,到 decline 的整个产品生命周期里面,上述这些决策要根据不同的阶段做不同的变化和调整,要“与时俱进”。
Prof. Glazer 说话语速偏快,上课的时候会有些霸气的追问 why why,逼着你想得更深。但在最后一堂课上却显示了他很 emotional 的一面,眼睛红红的跟我们告别,搞得我也有些伤感。在最后一堂课上,他给我们每个人一个空白信封,让我们写上一年半以后(毕业的时候)的一个能用的邮寄地址,让我们每个人都给自己写一封信,写你想在毕业的时候干什么…… 教授收上来我们每个人的这封信,他说到时候他会寄给我们每个人的。我相信,到毕业的时候,收到自己给自己写的这封信,一定很有意思。

真心实意的,谢谢 Glazer 教授。

顺便提一下,在 Prof. Glazer 的这段录音里面的 2’54 – 3’54,他谈到了他对 Haas 学生的看法,听起来实在是溢美之词,呵呵:

We are living in a time with tremendous uncertainty, turmoil, and fear etc. I found myself over the last couple of years keep telling to my friends, colleagues etc:  If you are worrying about the fate of world, just come and sit in my class, and you won’t be.

The reason is follows: What I think attracts people to Haas is you have a group of incredibly talented young people who want to change the world, but the same time make money doing it.




What is Product? (Product Definition)
Most products are just substitute for something else, especially in B2B industry.

Product Features vs. Benefits:
Features are from engineering/internal point of views.
Benefits are from customer point of view. Customer only care about benefits, not about features.

Who are customers? What they need?
Segment by size, industry, geography(distribution, culture, government…), public/private, new/existing customers,…

Basically two types of customers:
Who care about cost vs. Who care about quality.  So this is the basis to differentiate between them.

Differentiate(Prof. Glazer 的名言之一是,他能 differentiate 任何一种产品。)

Who are competitors?
Competitors are ones who want your customers.

What are your own strengths and weaknesses?

Objective is profit or market share? Most times those two goals are conflicting, especially in short term. Usually for long run, one objective will be more important than the other.

For profit: profit as the ultimate goal.
Non-profit: want both: break-even (profit is zero, or not loss), and market share.

All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved. — Sun Tzu the Art of War
人皆知我所以胜之形,而莫知吾所以制胜之形。 ——孙子 《孙子兵法》

Tactic vs. Strategy
Every tactic must be consistent with strategy.

What is a channel? A channel is a set of value-added functions/activities to get to/keep customers.
Power issues between you – channel – customers. Power could be shifted to end customers. Channel should work for you!   Not you work for channel.

Specialist customers vs. mass customers:
Specialist customers care about how you do it.
Mass customers don’t care about how you do it.
In terms of getting attention, think about your advertisement competitors.



这门课是全案例教学的,没有什么指定课本,基本上每节课都是讨论 case,中间穿插几节 lectures.

Prof. Glazer 是一个很有个性的教授,在第一节课就跟我们说,别一谈到 Marketing 就想到 iPhone之类的 fancy 的产品、fancy 的广告,在这门课要我们读的 case 都是四十年前的故事。

果然,我们讨论的 case 是这些:

一个工业化学品公司在 60年代的故事。
一个非盈利组织在 70年代初的故事。
日本 motocycle 厂商在 70年代进入美国市场的故事。
联邦快递(FedEx: Federal Express)在70年代的创业起家故事。
微软在80年代中期推广 Microsoft Works 产品的故事(Microsoft Works 是微软的一个不怎么出名的老掉牙产品)。
西南航空(Southwest Airlines)在70年代初创业起家的故事。
Prof. Glazer 是故意要我们读这些四十年前的 case 的(当然,也有同学据此对他很不满,觉得他压根就是懒,呵呵,仁者见仁,我倒是觉得读几十年前的故事挺有意思)。为什么?教授说,他要我们理解 Marketing 的 Principle 几十年来并没有变,从本质上说也就是 customer comes first, customer centric, customer oriented.  但说起来容易,做起来难哪!


他老人家的大致经历(根据 Haas 教授名录上他的页面)
1970年  Brandeis University 毕业,本科专业是 Sociology/Psychology.
1971-1977年,做过 Independent Communications Consultant,后来创业,成立了一个以 video-based technology 做 communications 的公司。
1977-1979, 读了 Stanford 的 MBA;
1979-1982,读完 MBA 大概发现志向在学术界,于是继续在斯坦福读博士,拿了 Stanford 的 PhD in Marketing.
1982-1989, 在 Columbia GSB 做 Associate Professor
1989年来到  Berkeley Haas 做教授,至今在 Haas 也已经待了20年了。


在 Haas Podcast 页面可以听到 Prof. Glazer 的一段录音,他在录音的最开始就谈到对这门 Marketing 必修课的定位:

We treat marketing very much from a strategic perspective, not from a functional/department perspective.

的确,他上课的整个思路是 The course treats marketing from a strategic perspective, covering the various functional policy areas of marketing, including product, price, communications and distribution policy.



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