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2009年 New York Stern Business School MBA录取学生信息统计

NYU Stern Full-time MBA Program

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

44 West Fourth Street
New York , New York 10012 United States   

Program Web site:

Private Institution

Program e-mail address:

Graduate business school is accredited by:

AACSB International
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The professors and administration made themselves so available to students. In 18 months, I developed personal relationships with administration and professors and expect to maintain those relationships. My husband and I decided to get pregnant in my second year of school and the administration bent over backwards to make me comfortable and help me to graduate on time. -- Marketing

Aside from the people, one of the other reasons that I came to Stern was because of the existence of a Luxury and Retail Club. With help from the administration and other club members, I had a chance to help with the club's growth and co-chair the First Annual Luxury and Retail Conference. I have made numerous contacts and friends because of this club and even consulted to a luxury retailer (Ferragamo) for two months. It is opportunities like these that made me feel like I was going to a business school that offered much more than just a career in finance. -- Operations

This is purely speculative on my part, but it seems like many companies recruiting in NYC view Stern as their second choice to Columbia, which means we have fewer top companies recruit on campus and less students selected by those that do come. Also, the professor quality was somewhat inconsistent. -- Consulting


Career opportunities were amazing, especially for career-changers such as myself. The community was very close-knit, and I didn't ever feel like I was �networking.� The academics were also excellent, as we had some of the best teachers in the country as well as what seemed to be one of the widest elective selections. -- Investment Banking

The access to people in the business, and by that I mean any business, due to our location clearly makes the Stern experience unique. I have friends at HBS, Wharton, Chicago, and Kellogg who have not had nearly the same experience in terms of speakers coming to campus as well as the resources to network professionally. -- Consulting

When I was recruited during my first semester, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to accept a restructuring offer or a distressed debt internship offer. Being in NYC allowed me to "cheat" and do a part-time spring internship at a distressed debt hedge fund and a full-time summer internship at a restructuring shop. -- Investment Banking


Stern has a very strong faculty, great students, and one of the best locations in the world. I would definitely recommend this program not only for career advancement purposes, but also as a life experience. -- Venture Capital/Private Equity

There�s too much focus on the career-switchers, and that why most of the offers are only entry levels. The situation really vexed me as I am an experienced professional who just wants an MBA education. -- Entrepreneurship

Aside from the typical characteristics that make a business school stand out (ie., quality and caring faculty, close relationships to the industry, high student placement, past excellence, etc.), Stern has two advantages over other schools that I personally felt were key: a friendly and collaborative student body and a great location in the best city in America. -- Finance

NYU has a distinct culture: cutthroat, competitive, mean, non-collaborative people won't fit or do as well. -- Marketing


NYU's strong relationship with New York companies is undeniable, and the alumni have been really giving back to the new graduates. -- Consulting

The recruiting at NYU Stern is amazing for those on the finance track. If you are looking to get a job at an investment bank, NYU is the place to go. The bulge bracket banks begin recruiting the first month of the first semester and really make an effort to attract talent. -- Investment Banking

While the curricula is top-notch and 90% of professors were spectacular, the quality of student is where Stern shines. We are an odd bunch of intelligent, cooperative, type A personalities. The result is not just a fun experience, but a wonderful complement to our education. New to all things finance, I asked many of my peers questions during my first semester and always received thoughtful, smart responses. -- Consulting

Stern's biggest weakness lies in infrastructure: the buildings and IT are lousy. Everything else (education, network, challenge, enjoyment, opportunity, access to industry leaders, location, career support, job placement) is spectacular. All and all, I couldn't be more pleased with my time at Stern. -- Consulting


Professors were great, but the students really made the experience for me. They were smart and talented, yet very down-to-earth and largely ego-free. These were two of the most enjoyable years of my life, due to the high quality of the educational experience and the quality time spent with great friends. -- Investment Banking

The experience of an MBA in a good New York location, with the access to firms and cultural life cannot be matched by other schools. -- Finance

The Stern community is a network of supportive friends who see that every person's individual success will lead us all to group success. It is a collaborative place, not cutthroat. I would wholeheartedly advise anyone to come to Stern. -- Marketing

Stern is one of the best schools to get you a job in finance (investment banking, sales & trading) if you come from a different background. Stern has among the highest representation in summer associate classes at most of the I-banks. -- Finance


Within North America, graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Northeast: 87  %
Mid-Atlantic: 5  %
South: 0  %
Southwest: 1  %
Midwest: 2  %
West: 5  %
Possessions and territories: 0  %
Canada: 0  %

Top recruiting organizations for internships, most recent academic year:

American Express
Bank of America / Merrill Lynch & Co
Barclays Capital
Credit Suisse Group
Deloitte Consulting
Deutsche Bank
Education Pioneers
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
McKinsey & Company
Pfizer, Inc.

Weekly internship compensation:

        Mean: $ 1,555
        Median: $ 1,627

Average internship length in weeks:

School Comments:


Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following industries:

Government: 0  %
Consulting: 17  %
Consumer Products: 12  %
Financial Services: 49  %
Manufacturing: 1  %
Media/Entertainment: 5  %
Non-Profit: 2  %
Petroleum/Energy: 1  %
Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Health Care: 2  %
Real Estate: 1  %
Technology: 4  %
Other: 6  %

Graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Africa: 0  %
Asia: 5  %
Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia: 1  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 3  %
Middle East: 1  %
North America: 85  %
Oceana: 0  %
Western Europe: 5  %


Job Offers for 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 76  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 6  %
Did not report having received a job offer: 18  %
Accepted first job offer by graduation: 72  %
Accepted first job offer in three months following graduation: 8  %
Did not report having accepted a job offer: 20  %

Top recruiting organizations most recent academic year:

American Express
Bank of America / Merrill Lynch & Co
Barclays Capital
Booz & Company
Boston Consulting Group
Credit Suisse Group
Deloitte Consulting
Deutsche Bank
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Kraft Foods
McKinsey & Company
Morgan Stanley

Job-accepting graduates who received a signing bonus:
77  %

Base salary, signing bonuses and other compensation for most recent employed graduates:

Mean base salary: $  100,254
Median base salary: $  95,000
Mean signing bonus: $  30,707
Median signing bonus: $  30,000
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  26,595
Median other guaranteed compensation: $  22,700

Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following functional areas:

Consulting: 26  %
Finance/Accounting: 50  %
General Management: 3  %
Human Resources: 1  %
Marketing/Sales: 17  %
Management Information Systems (MIS): 0  %
Operations/Logistics: 1  %
Other: 2  %



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