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OG12 52 有点不理解题意···请帮忙看看··

52.Rye sown in the fall and plowed into the soil in early spring leaves a residue that is highly effective at controlling broad-leaved weeds, but unfortunately for only about forty-five days. No major agricultural crop matures from seed in as little as forty-fi ve days. Synthetic herbicides, on the other hand, although not any longer-lasting, can be reapplied as the crop grows. Clearly, therefore, for major agricultural crops, plowing rye into the soil can play no part in effective weed control.
The argument is most vulnerable to the objection that it fails to
(A) consider that there might be minor, quick-growing crops that do mature in forty-fi ve days or less
(B) identify any alternative method of weed control that could be used instead of the method it rejects
(C) distinguish among the various kinds of synthetic herbicides
(D) allow for the possibility of combining the two weed-control methods it mentions
(E) allow for the possibility that plants other than rye, handled the same way, might have the same effect

这题没做对,主要是题设让我有一点摸不着头脑,不太理解什么意思。说RYE这个东西可以control weed,但是只能持续45天。。但是这个和“No major agricultural crop matures from seed in as little as forty-five days.”有什么关系吗???RYE这个东西不能在agricultural crop 成熟了以后再用吗?``请好心人帮帮忙··
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题目最后一句话: Clearly, therefore, for major agricultural crops, plowing rye into the soil can play no part in effective weed control.

请注意no part这个地方,因为说得太绝对了,所以容易被攻击

答案d 的意思是两种措施可以合起来用,即rye也可以成为effective weed control的一part



Synthetic herbicides, on the other hand, although not any longer-lasting, can be reapplied as the crop grows.

on the other hand表示Synthetic herbicides与Rye是对立地位。although的让步表示其具备与Rye一样的缺点,can be reapplied是真正的on the other hand所要表达的,即Rye所不具备的特性。因此Rye是不能被reapply的。

这个问题感觉问得也有些不对劲:RYE这个东西不能在agricultural crop 成熟了以后再用吗?如果已经成熟了,收割了,那你还用RYE干嘛?因为它的目的就是抑制杂草跟crop在成熟前的生长期争夺养分。


R可以防杂草,H也可以。 R的pros是自然的,cons是45天,时间太短。H的pros是可以合成,而且多次追加使用的。没有农作物能在45天长成。所以用R没用,就用H就可以了。

题干中fail to establish了什么

fail to consider to possibility to combine two methods.




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