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110. Animals with a certain behavioral disorder have unusually high levels of aluminum in their brain tissue. Since a silicon-based compound binds to aluminum and prevents it from affecting the brain tissue, animals can be cured to the disorder by being treated with the compound.

The argument is based on which one of the following assumptions?

A.        Animals with the disorder have unusually high but invariable levels of aluminum in their brain tissue.

B.        Aluminum is the cause of the disorder rather than merely an effect of it.

C.        Introducing the compound into the brain tissue has no side effects.
D.       The amount of the compound needed to neutralize the aluminum in an animal’s brain tissue varies depending upon the species.

E.        Aluminum is never present in normal brain tissue.


思路:本文开始没有明确指出谁是因,谁是果,只是表明两种相关联的现象。但是第二句话就假设high levels of aluminum是因,否则这个治疗就是是无效的,根据这个要求去寻找答案。

A.        文中没有提到的invariable levels of aluminum出现,与题无关。

B.         符合题目要求,是答案。

C.         没有涉及side effects。

D.        无关。
E.         文中没有提到。
B是答案 没有疑问



引进C到大脑会产生副作用 说明这个方法不可行 削弱了结论

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This is a typical question where relevance can be introduced. In this type of question, you need to be careful with what the conclusion is.

In this question, the conclusion of this argument is that animals can be cured to the disorder with such compound. This conclusion is restricted to disorder, not any thing else. It is not the same as "such compound should be used to cure the disorder. If there is side effect, for example, it can cause cancer, the compound can still cure the disorder. C, in this question, is irrelevant. C will be the answer if the conclusion is that we should use the compound.



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