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63. Some good cooks are gourmet
cooks who pride themselves on always using extravagantly rich ingredients in
elaborate recipes. Some good cooks can be characterized as fast-food cooks.
They may use rich ingredients as long as the recipes are easy to follow and
take little time. Other good cooks are health food enthusiasts, who are
concerned primarily with the nutritional value of food. But even though not all
good cooks are big eaters, they all enjoy preparing and serving food.

If the information in the passage
is true, which one of the following CANNOT be true?

(A) Most good cooks do not use
extravagantly rich ingredients.

(B) Everyone who enjoys preparing
and serving food is a good cook.

(C) More good cooks who use
extravagantly rich ingredients are big eaters than are good cooks who do not
use such ingredients.

(D) There are fewer good cooks who
enjoy serving and preparing food than there are good cooks who are big eaters.

(E) Gourmet cooks, fast-food cooks,
and cooks who are health food enthusiasts are all big eaters.

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大家还在纠结这个题目啊...我承认当初的解释有瑕疵...呵呵...没有想到大家对even though的意思和我理解可能不一样...

我对最后一句的理解是, even though引导的让步状语从句有假设性, 不一定就是事实, 而主句说all good cooks都enjoy才是事实.

所以可以是big eater=enjoy, 也可以是big eater<enjoy, 总之绝对不可能big eater>enjoy, D选项一定为假...

选项E, 当big eater=enjoy的时候, 选项E有成立的可能性...





明白为什么选D了 但是为什么不选E呢?  some good cooks, some good cooks, other good cooks 构成了good cooks 的全集吗? 如果是,那E就不对了啊....

如果E是对的话,gourmet cooks,fast-food cooks,cooks who are....构成的集合是big eaters的子集.

如果good cooks分为以上三种类型,那么good cooks的集合就一定是big eaters集合的子集.那么就跟题中陈述"not all good cooks are big eaters"矛盾.





记得好像听说过, feifei的题目不是gmat的题目, 看了一下, 果然觉得思路有点区别, 但是还是可以做的
1. 就是good cooks, 分好几种, 包括, GC, FC, HFE, 每种都是some,不能确定大小关系
2. good cooks的另一种分类: big eaters, enjoy prep and serv, 不是所有的都是BE, 但是全部都是ENJOY, 必然得出 BE<ENJOY
D, 说ENJOY<BE, 所以一定错,
B, 说, 只要ENJOY, 就是good cooks, 这个选项, 不知道对错, 可能对, 可能不对, 所以不是答案
楼主问为什么不是B, 很可能是觉得, 文章说的是, 所有的good cooks 都是ENJOY, 但是不能得出, 所有ENJOY 都是good cooks
但是有没有可能得出这个结论呢? 有这个可能性的, 这里不要用常识判断, 要根据文章来推理
good cooks 是ENJOY的充分条件, 有good cooks必然推出ENJOY, 但是, 有enjoy并不一定能推出 good cooks, 注意, 是不一定, 而不是绝对不能
有可能good cooks是ENJOY的充分必要条件, 那么有good cooks 必然有ENJOY, 有ENJOY必然有good cooks,
题目问那个是绝对不成立, 显然B是有可能成立, 有可能不成立, 所以不是答案.
如果用充分条件不好理解, 那么举例说明, 如果加一个和文章不矛盾的条件, 说, 所有不是good cooks的人, 都不是ENJOY, 那么B选项就成立了
再如果有朋友对我随便加一个条件不满意...那么看看D,知道BE<ENJOY,无论加什么条件, 都不可能得出BE>ENJOY, 所以D为答案

这个题目, 理清关系, 只要找绝对不可能就可以了, 如果题目的关系一出来, 可以很快看出D是绝对不可能, 那么其他选项不用太费时分析



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