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  开始试麦克风,背后无比傻X的两个棒子, 不停的重复‘described the city you live in ’。。第一篇阅读完全杯具了。火星那篇也没 太看懂,,满脑子的 describe the city you live in.。单词题要特别感谢太傻的各位的机经
  全球完全一样的卷子,第一个conversation,一个人要毕业,course requirements 变了,但是只是对一年级和二年级,(有题)去问dean能不能毕业。有个新老师,最后dean说如有需要可以为他写letter(有题)。
  这一个杯具,play behavior, 一个wolf pup(有题)。然后一个反romantism 的composer, 到乡村去听celebration 上的 音乐(有题)。最后问为什么他被人们记住。然后一个学生问老师whale水下呼吸。一定要记笔记,特别是,是如何呼吸的。有双选题。然后最纠结的一篇出现了,一块古石头上发现了三中文字,屏幕出现三种名字,一个Young,一个Chambillon,发现了什么跟声音有关,(有题)。其余的彻底荒废。。最后一个Pluto为什么不算太阳系。女的说,不能因为它小就不算,男的说,理由已经很充分了(有题)。貌似,pluto就是一个KBO(有题)。。
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  1. vessel was found in Iraq, when it was filled with water, it could conduct electricity. but people think it’s not true.
  first, the device doesnt have a wire, lecture: the people that found this vessel are local people , which means that they are not well trained, and they might just left the wire aside because they think it’s not important. 
  second. the vessel looks exactly like another thing,....忘了叫什么了,原文中有. which is used for sacred texts. lecture: professor said that it might originally been used for storage, but as time pass, people find out that this thing could conduct electicity , so they change the way they use it...
  finnally, txt argue that people in the ancient time does not know how to use it... professor : they might think the shock that were produced were some sort of invisible magic, or they might use it for healing ,which can stimulate muscle and relieve pain.  
  2. 一直复习的是赛达写作,,天天就是具体,具体,具体,,,然后从头到尾写的是自己的亲身经历。。。也不知道托福要怎么样算分,,总之一句话,还是超级杯具。。。。早上看机经后人品爆发,去查了名人名言 “the best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up’’ by Mark Twain....最后结尾,把上帝丢出来了,说 like god says we should keep our faith in doing good and bring happiness to others, we should never bring pain to others while we are suffering...


  休息还差4分钟我就进去坐着了,旁边的刚开始,一听,诶,跟机经一样的,提笔开始飞写。。四分钟把一二题大纲搞定,第三题,反对graduation分成两个 理由1.可以减少speech,professor,student,administration,2. 减少每人可邀请的人数从10人到6人,普通学校只有4到5人。。第四个culture lag。 telephone, was first using in business, increase in production. people were against and think it’s rude , because they want to talk to people face to face. as time went by, culture lag has well incorporated. blablahblah.....5.1.public transportation 2.live in the dorm of campus。。。6.rock weathering。。1. water get into stone, when water freezes, it expense and casue weathering.2. plant seed get in, root wants more nutrition and water resources.



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