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费费24. The interstitial nucleus, a subregion of the brain’s hypothalamus, is typically smaller for male cats than for female cats. A neurobiologist performed autopsies on male cats who died from disease X, a disease affecting no more than .05 percent of male cats, and found that these male cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as those generally found in female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whether or not male cats can contract disease X.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) No female cats have been known to contract disease X, which is a subtype of disease Y.
(B) Many male cats who contract disease X also contract disease Z, the cause of which is unknown.
(C) the interstitial nuclei of female cats who contact disease X are larger than those of female cats who do not contract disease X.
(D) Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats who did not contract disease X, 5 revealed interstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.
(E) The hypothalamus is known not to be causally linked to disease Y, and disease X is a subtype of disease Y.

A: interstitial nucleus
B: disease X
C: brain’s hypothalamus,
D: disease Y
其中A是C的 subregion, B是D的subtype。

选D的理由:文中的结论是interstitial nucleus (A)的大小决定了mail cats是否得X(B),证据是autopsies显示患X的male cats的size of interstitial nucleus都大于没有得X的male cats. 而选项D给出相反的autopsies,即没有患X的male cats中有5个的size of interstitial nucleus大于正常的male cats。虽然比例很小,仅0.5%,但足以推翻结论中的“determine”这一关键词了。

其逻辑亦即 因为上一级的两个事物没有因果关系,所以其下一级的事物也没有因果关系。我不太懂在医学上是否有这种必然关系?
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以下是引用kzang90在2010-3-19 7:05:00的发言:

请教一下: 我选了B:许多得了X病的公猫也得了Z病,而Z的原因不知道。

可以认为了是“它因”吗?因为有可能Z病是导致X病的原因,所以不能确定 interstitial nucleus 就是得病的决定因素?

Thanks in advance!


红色部分是你自己添加的内容,而且他问的是most weaken,E的逻辑最为严密


请教一下: 我选了B:许多得了X病的公猫也得了Z病,而Z的原因不知道。

可以认为了是“它因”吗?因为有可能Z病是导致X病的原因,所以不能确定 interstitial nucleus 就是得病的决定因素?

Thanks in advance!


Anyway,  谢谢!


虽然也不懂医学,可是,这是ETS的逻辑,恐怕那些老美也不怎么懂医学. 在这里,我承认D确实有一定的weaken的作用,但是他并不是原文所强调的逻辑关系, 原文想建立的是:interstitial nucleus 的size的变大<导致>了雄猫会得病X. 所以,要想否定这个逻辑关系,就必须要将这种causal relationship给他瓦解掉. E正好做了这个工作. 在这里, subrigion,和subtype作为整体得一部分,与整体不可分割得. 我想ETS是想考这一点. 你参考一下!



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