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In April 1997, Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted an all-day White House scientific conference on new findings that indicates a child’s acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills as an active process that may be largely completed before age three.

A that indicates a child’s acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills as B that are indicative of a child acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills as C to indicate that when a child acquires language, thinking, and emotional skills, that it is D indicating that a child’s acquisition of language, thinking, and emotional skills is E indicative of a child’s acquisition of language, thinking, and emotional skills as


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-23 17:47:46编辑过]

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以下是引用hsWang在2004-12-23 20:19:00的发言:

“a child’s acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills ”

引号中的句子的主语是" acquiring " ,单数,所以用"is”

同意,并且后面的an active process 也限定了必须是单数。


“a child’s acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills ”

引号中的句子的主语是" acquiring " ,单数,所以用"is”

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