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09年 Berkeley Haas MBA Interview 面试精华汇总

Berkeley Haas:
年是6个人 ,7月份换了一个dean,目前的dean明确表示要加强对中国的重视,
A:其实我们这2个学校是有很多相似之处的,有一点区别就是, Stanford比较喜
欢招consulting背景的,每年基本有一半的人来自McKinsey, Bain, BCG等top
consulting firms,另外Stanford平均年龄大概是26,我们的是28。Stanford的MBA
没有什么specialization, 2个学校间的competition其实不多,更多的是合作,相
互提供弥补资源。比如说real estate方面,Haas的club经常会请一些知名的speaker,
比如说GE的CEO等来和大家分享关于他们的vision和看法,这样很eye opening。
Q:Haas MBA毕业后的就业情况如何?
A:总的来说,就业的方向是很diversified, 东部的b schools MBA毕业后基本focus
在consulting 和 banking, 在我们这里除了finance外,如health care , marketing ,real
Q:Hass给学生的international exposure提供什么样的帮助呢?
A:这方面Hass做的非常好,比如说,除了China track这种类似的活动之外,每年
Hass都会有为期5周到international business development这样的consulting project,
我们这次的China Track大概有50个人,主要在于让大家了解中国的文化和实际
program,其中包括Columbia, LBS, 香港科大,INSEAD等等,这个也有很多人申请。
还有就是每年会有27个名额与Warren Buffet一起共进晚餐,还有参观公司和合影
A:Hass有很多女性的club, 还有Women Leadership Club,会邀请很多企业的女高官
来做speaker同时做sponsor,会给大家讲如何去balance life还有自己的career goal,
经常会有一些party。如果你去观察的话,会发现club leaders中一半都是女性,而
5000美金,如果summer intern拿到i-banking公司的offer还可以再获得5000美金。
太忙了,第二年开始你可以找一些part time的工作,学校和club都会帮你找这些
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Berkeley Haas & Chicago GSB的比较与选择[参观心得] Berkeley Haas & Chicago GSB的比较与选择






1. 气候:柏克莱的天气实在很好,三月初去气温却高达25度。相反的,芝加哥大概是零下三度,刚去的那天去的时候还飘着一点雪。不过晴天飘着雪是蛮棒的。

2. 城市与校园 :柏克莱离旧金山市区还有四十几分钟,必须要开车,因为缺少大众交通工具,所以去哪里都很不方便。但是如果开车的话在柏克莱校园几乎没地方停车,可以向学校租车位但是很费用贵。柏克莱的建筑整体来说则比较没有统一的规划,朝向自由发展,是明显的西岸风格,而亚洲人非常多。芝加哥则有地铁,巴士可以搭乘,离市区大概二十分钟。芝加哥校园的建筑风格都是歌德式,很美。相对的亚洲人很少。而芝加哥是美国第三大城,身置其中你会真正感受到美国中部纯正的美国风味与文化。

3. 商学院的感觉:芝加哥的新商学院是花了快美金两亿盖的 (USD$ 125 million)。 宽广气派的大厅与最先进的设备,超多的interview room和读书间都让人很心动。 柏克莱的建筑则大概有十多年的历史,空间小了点,不过维护的不错,感觉是蛮新的。但是因为跟大学部一起共享建筑物,所以感觉会有一点挤。


我自己很喜欢柏克莱的阳光与气候。不过整体校园的感觉真的太欢乐了。到处可见到穿著性感的辣妹躺在草地上作日光浴,或是一堆人在校园举行活动,骑脚踏车。尤其Haas大学部跟研究所一起share building 人相对的比较多比较挤,而商学院大学部学生的风格也与研究所的差很多,感觉很多大学部年轻小伙子正在尽情享受青春,与硕士班兢兢业业的感觉不同。 如果我要选择大学课程,我一定会选择HAAS。但是我考虑到现在要念MBA,这样欢乐的气氛反而会让我分心。但是不可否认的,如果要在湾区科技业发展,Haas绝对是一个不可多得的好选择。

相反的Chicago那栋号称世界第一的商学院大楼是专门给硕士跟博士班使用,感觉比较专业也比较菁英。冷峻的天气似乎更能让人有MBA专业的感觉 呵。不用买车,光是搭大众工具去学校就很方便。 之前是觉得芝加哥天气冷,环境严峻。不过来了之后感觉还好,反而给我一种期待中MBA的高贵与气质。而因为亚洲人少,所以更可以尽情强迫自己融入老美的文化。尤其我将来要走consulting, 芝加哥一年五百多个毕业生,进入四大顾问公司的就高达10%以上,这样的环境下对顾问业所凝聚力量是很大的。



UC-Berkeley Haas SuperSaturday Experience
Like to share the Haas SS experience with my fellow Chinese applicants.
Interview questions: (with a first-year student)
1. I am very interested about your involvment in XXX (a charity org), can you explain your experience to me?
2. Work thru the resume.
3. Can you tell me about your experience of team work?
4. Why Haas?
5. Last question, maybe because we just finished the final for marcoeconomics last night and you have Finance major in your undergrad. Can you tell me your thoughts about marcoeconomics? How did you perform with that course? (the interviewer acknowledged this is a out-of-box question when he asked, I was shocked at first second but was glad I gave a concise and good answer)
The interview was quite laid back, so I asked the interviewer did he read my application? Ans: No. Then I asked: why didn't you ask me my long-term goals (I don't know what's wrong with my brain), Ans: I don't have to know, but I don't mind if you breifly tell me. After I told him my long-term goal, I even discussed whether he is part of AdCom and what he was looking for in the interview as he didn't ask why MBA, what's your long-term goal at first place. Then he told me his role as interviewer is just to have a conversation and a personal impression, he just need to think about "do I want this guy to be my classmate? do I like to work with him in the study group? or even just do I like to grap a bear with him at a local bar?" So I think the key is really: be yourself and relax. I know it has been stated many times, but it's really true.
Other Information from SS
Haas received 2700 applications this year (increased from last year), and has admitted 130 in R1. Usually 75% of the 100 applicants who attended SS will be admitted. Out of the total 240 seats in Haas, also consider the 40% yield from R1 and the 75 R2 SS applicants, there are probably 158 seats still available for applicants who will have a off-campus interview.
The current students are as bright as those in any other top schools, and the interviewee pool is also impressive. Lot of interviewees are from Ivy undergrad. Most of interviewees are Lao Wai, around 10 are Asians, but most of them are ABC except myself and maybe one or two other Chinese I didn't talk to.
Overall assessment: very good school, wonderful people, wonderful environment and weather (BayArea), highly recommended to anyone who is interested in working in beautiful west coast, or interested in tech and want to work in silicon valley, or anyone interested in public health, real estate, marketing.


今天从HAAS的网站看到2007的CLASS PROFILE,太厉害,基本上打消了我申请的想法.就这样的背景,这些人都可以进EMBA了.全文转载如下:
Profile of the Class of 2007: A Study in Talent and Accomplishment

Berkeley’s newest full-time MBA class brings an incredible richness of professional experience and personal talents to the Haas School of Business. Of the 2,170 applicants, only 23% were offered admission, and 247 enrolled in August. An academically accomplished group, their average GPA is 3.49 and their average GMAT is 702.
International students comprise nearly one-third of the class and represent 39 countries, including: Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Peru, Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela.
Members of the class have an average of 5.5 years of work experience. Among the many consultants, investment bankers, marketers, and engineers are the assistant commissioner for Massachusetts’ Department of Youth Services; director for oncology genomics for a biotech firm; chief of port safety and security for the US Coast Guard; state communications director for a national anti-crime non-profit organization; and a physics Ph.D. who has taught astronomy and done research with Nobel laureates.
Also enrolling in the program is the co-founder of Ebility, Inc., the largest and most comprehensive website for people with disabilities, featuring community services and e-commerce; the only woman to run an independent trading firm on the Pacific Stock Exchange; former speechwriter for the New York City fire commissioner; the individual who set up the French electricity trading desk at the world’s largest diversified resources company; and a Slovenian who is fluent in six languages and co-founded eight companies in Europe and Japan.
Others in the Berkeley MBA Class of 2007 include a resident physician for Stanford University Hospital; a licensed race car driver who was also named one of the Top Analyst Influencers in 2002 by AdWeek’s Technology Marketing; a Fulbright Scholar who spent two years working as an international development consultant working on sustainable development practices for Vietnam; a senior legislative analyst to US Congressman Richard Pombo; and the co-founder of a company which went public for the equivalent of US $800 million.
Leaders abound in the Berkeley MBA Class of 2007. One of our new students led a 1,800-member student union producing more than 400 programs per year to annual audiences of 400,000; this same individual received a $100,000 grant to engage college students on the topic of social security, holding forums in all 50 states and reaching tens of thousands of students. Others in the entering class include a woman who was instrumental in reinstating curbside recycling in New York City and a man who co-founded an improvisational comedy troupe which performed at improv theaters throughout Manhattan.
Athletic leadership also sets the pace for the new class, which includes a two-time member of the US rowing team, who won the 2000 World Championships in the Lightweight Men’s 8 and held the world record in indoor rowing for two years; two-time champion Russian ice climber who participated in ESPN’s winter E-Games; a member of Israel’s national orienteering team; a semi-pro Israeli basketball player; a Texas statewide gymnastics gold medal winner in floor apparatus; winner of the Swedish table tennis junior championships; and the third-place winner in Japan’s National Amateur Boxing Championships. And we have our fair share of musicians as well, including the singer and lead guitarist for the Kansas Street All Stars; an accomplished violinist and pianist who performed in Carnegie Hall at age 13; and a singer/songwriter skilled at acoustic guitar, electric bass, and drums, who released his first album last year.
Without question, the Berkeley MBA community is filled with highly talented individuals from all corners of the world. Year after year, new students find themselves captivated by the extraordinary accomplishments of their peers. All of them thoroughly appreciate the opportunity to learn from one another.


Haas 面经
2008.4.1;Toronto; Alumni
Q1. Why MBA?
Q2. Why Haas?
Q3. What is your culutre shock experience?
Q4. What challenge will you face when you study in Haas?
Q5. Where will you be after 10 years?
Q5. Tell me a difficulty you have met as a leader.

Any questio for me?



Haas full time Chinese MBA08 employment report
Finally, all of 6 Haas Chinese MBA08 (from mainland) settle down with their offers. Here is some related information.
1x Hedge fund (in San Francisco) analyst
2x Leadership program in Fortune 500 companies
1x Investment management associate for the biggest pension fund in the states.
1x Product manager for the biggest personal software company in the world
1x Consultant in one of the top 3 management consulting firms Greater China office
For privacy reason, no name and company will be disclosed. Happy holiday!


校友面试(Kellogg & Haas)
Kellogg 校友面试 (1小时25分钟)
1. Mutual self-introduction
2. My roles and responsibilities (Follow-up: how many people I supervise? Annual revenue & budget?)
3. Localization in my employer
4. What make me so successful
5. Why I chose IT when graduated
6. Achievements in university
7. Personal interests and hobbies
8. Important projects and accounts under my leadership or coverage
9. Leadership style and story (formal question)
10. Tough teamwork ( formal question)
11. How I does performance evaluation for my subordinates (formal question)
12. Strength, weakness, learning and growth
13. Achievements at work
14. Why I have not changed employer in such a long time
15. Achievements in community services
16. Comments on strategies of my employer and his former employer
17. People we both know ( in my company and at Kellogg)
18. Entrepreneurship and innovation mindset
19. His experience at Kellogg (it’s really great)
20. His suggestion on job and internship hunting ( all are truly sincere tips)
校友问了我的意见后是一边面试一边写面试报告的,我说完了后一般留1分钟给他写,对于重要的数据什么的他又再和我confirm。很多的问题,他最后都会问我一些number(比如increase rate, revenue, profit 什么的,搞的我有点慌,说错了两个数字又马上纠正)。Why MBA和Career Goal的问题,他没有问,不过我有穿插在回答一些工作方面的问题的时候讲了。最后两个人又互相客套一番,然后他说他会很快把面试报告交给学校。


The interview was about 30 minutes, conducted by one of the adcomm memebers. Very commom B-school interview questions. I cannot recall all the questions, since it's been more than 3 months. Here is some:
1. tell me yourself (you can talk from your college to current work)
2. go through the resume
3. why MBA
4. why Haas
5. what is your carrer goal
6. you mentioned blah-blah (excurriclar activities), can you tell me more about it
7. do you have any questions
The interviwer usually hasn't seen your full application package, he/she only has your resume.


Haas interview
I got interview with a lady in Haas today. Not sure how I did.
Questions were very general:
1. tell your career development - go through my resume;
2. why mba?
3. what would your boss say about you?
4. what would your reports say about you?
5. what do you do at spare time?
6. any questions for me?



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