09年Cornell MBA Interview 面试精华汇总
1,2月15补一点面经,不过是校友面试,对方很NICE,像聊天,所以可能不是TYPICAL的CORNELL面试。而且我有点记不太清楚了……可能顺序也有点乱…… 1. Go through resume's W/E part 2. Why MBA? 3. Give an example in which you are provided with two equally good/bad choices, how do you make your decision? (No need to share the final result) 4. Teamwork & Communication (Maybe my current job nature indicates that there should be no problem with the both...so go through quickly) 5. (Because I am of HR background) HR strengthens a lot on process and procedure, so what will you do when you feel that some specific case is just go against the process or policy? 6. From your personal view, how do you evaluate your daily job/communication/project, etc.? 7. Share some example of taking initiative or creativity in your daily work. 8. In your opinion, what is the most important factors in leadership? 然后好象就结束了,没有被问到经典的三个形容词那题。中间还就HR的工作啊什么的讨论了一会。 接着就是聊聊MBA生活啊,得到很多有用处的建议。闲聊时间比面试还要长,整体感觉很放松的。