chwayne 当前离线
Traffic safety officials predict that drivers will be equally likely to exceed the proposed speed limit as the current one.
A. equally likely to exceed the proposed speedlimit as
B. equally likely to exceed the proposed speed limit as they are
C. equally likely that they will exceed the proposedspeed limit as likely that they will exceed the proposedspeed limit as
E. as likely to exceed the proposed speed limitas they are.
EquityBeta 当前离线
are as likely to exceed the speed limit as they are likely to exceed the current one, 怎么这么别扭的。。。 是不是are as likely to exceed the speed limit as they exceed the current one会好很多呢?
yayajiaojiao 当前离线
这里的one是指代speed limit吗?
simbachu 当前离线
D还有一个明显的错误: likely的用法。
sb. is likely to do sth.
It is likely that...
至于D和E的they 是否会引起歧义,不清楚,还请高人指点。。。
primefangs 当前离线
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