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fei fei 134

134. The more television children watch, the less competent they are in mathematical knowledge. More than a third of children in the United States watch television for more than five hours a day; in South Korea the figure is only 7 percent. But whereas less than 15 percent of children in the United States understand advanced measurement and geometric concepts, 40 percent of South Korean children are competent in these areas. Therefore, if United States children are to do well in mathematics, they must watch less television.
Which one of the following is an assumption upon in advanced measurement and geometric concepts than are South Korean children?
(A) Children in the United States are less interested in advanced measurement and geometric concepts than are South Korean children.
(B) South Korean children are more disciplined about doing schoolwork than are
(C) Children who want to do well in advanced measurement and geometry will watch less television.
(D) A child’s ability in advanced measurement and geometry increases if he or she watches less than one hour of television a day.
(E) The instruction in advanced measurement and geometric concepts available to children in the United States is not substantially worse than that available to South Korean children.

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C) Children who want to do well in advanced measurement and geometry

will watch less television

大家请看这个C选项的主题意思是什么呢?其实是:孩子 少看电视。原文在围绕什







there is a way to tackle 'assumption' questions:
1, deny the choice and see if it works
2, if not, it must be teh right choice, vice versa.

for this one, first, deny choice E ---- > if the education on ...

concepts in US is subtantially poorer than that in Korea -------> no

matter how little time US kids watch tV, they won't ourperform Korean

not E -----> not conclusion ========> E is teh assumption


Agree. C is the conclusion the author reached. The assumption is a hidden premise, whithout which the conclusion will not hold.

E is the answer. It is a condition that must be true for the author to draw the conclusion.



The hidden assumption is that :
There is a causal relationship between the ability in advanced measurement and geometry and the television children watch.

按照这个思路,assumption 只能是架桥或则排除他因!
C 并没有说明这两者之间的关系呀!
Children who want to do well in advanced measurement and geometry will see less novel.

C并没有说明:less television , the more advanced ability in advanced measurement and geometry .

所以, C可以说是无关选项。

Appreciate any comments!



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