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 1. If China’s 1.6 billion people were to consume fish at the rate of the Japan,they would怎么样。。。后面忘了

A) If the China’s 1.6 billion people were to consume fish at the same rate as the Japan

B) If China’s 1.6 billion people were to consume fish at the same rate as the Japan,

C) If China’s 1.6 billion people would consume fish at the same rate as the Japan’s,

D) If the 1.6 billion people in China would consume fish at the same rate as the Japan,

E) If the 1.6 billion people in China consume fish at the same rate as the Japan’s

BCDE四个选项也许有出入,但考点是明确的 were to/would/consume, 还有rate应该怎么用。


Jessie: If的主语将来时,从句现在时。本题主句过去将来时,if的从句应该用过去时,因此确定用were, A有个有效性错误,如果改成at the same rate as the Japan’s,  as the Japan‘s补充完整是as the Japan’s people与之前China’s应,考平行对称因此选A。欢迎 讨论 ~


2. 题目忘了,但是有一个习惯用法:Receptive to


receptive to       

a workforce that is receptive to new ideas

3. In recent years, Sideburns became increasingly popular through whole western countries, later adopted in Japan.

B C D都可以明显排除,因为有increasingly和more and more的重复

(E)became increasingly popular through whole western countries,later

4. 有一个整体划线的句子,意思记得,大致是:Members of一个组织,到达了一个地点in 一个时间,at which point,几条大河汇聚,他们遇到了最艰难的东西:跨越那个什么。



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