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1. The Wallerstein study indicates that even after a decade young men and women still experience some of the effects of a divorce occurring when a child. (A) occurring when a child (B) occurring when children (C) that occurred when a child (D) that occurred when they were children (E) that has occurred as each was a child 答案没有问题. 但我觉得对E选项中对as和when的区别解释地很模糊: Choice E includes an incorrect verb tense (has occurred) and wrongly replaces when with as. Also, each was does not properly refer to men and women. 这个解释等于没说. as有一个用法是表示:当什么时候 而when也有如此用法. 这两个的区别是什么? 我找了一下GRE GMAT 和 LSAT 好象as用做:当什么时候的用法好象很少见. 还请指教! 多谢!
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当表示“当。。。的时候”,二者的区别不大,但是as 更强调动作多一些,when强调的时间状态更多一些
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as clause action is related to the main clause's action. "as a child" is talking about the speciphic group, so this expression has nothing with time. when clause normally uses to talk about time or periods. for example, ...when he is a child. or ... when he is 10 years old.



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