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Trans World Entertainment Corporation, which owns

the Record Town and Saturday Matinee retail chains,

announced that since sales of up to one-fourth of its

stores are poor, they will be closed.

A.     that since sales of up to one-fourth of its stores

are poor, they will be closed.

B.     it is closing up to one-fourth of its stores, which

accounted for its poor sales

C.     it was closing up to one fourth of its stores

because of poor sales.

D. to be closing, on account of poor sales, up to

   one-fourth of its stores.

e.     having poor sales, such that up to one-fourth of

its stores will be closed.



The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow

that it can draw in its exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing

but hard shell to bite.

A.     allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that

B.     allow it to draw in its exposed parts, and so

C.     allows for it to draw in its exposed parts and that

D.     allows that it can draw in its exposed parts, and so

E.      allows it to draw in its exposed parts, so that

给出的答案是d,alllow+that不是承诺...我觉得这里选e更好啊, 大家帮帮指点!!!多谢!

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