- 精华
- 0
- 积分
- 1410
- 经验
- 1410 点
- 威望
- 140 点
- 金钱
- 140 ¥
- 魅力
- 140
35: Along with the drop in producerprices announced yesterday,the strong retail sales figures released today seem toindicate that the economy, although growing slowly,is not nearing arecession.
17:Although unhappy with the high rent hercompany was paying for its suburban office building,
the chief executive recognized that rental rates for buildings in the suburbswere far lower than those typically charged for property located within the citylimits
28:Although eradicated in the United States,polio continues elsewhere and could be
brought into the country by visitors.
prep07 28题就把although +VED作为了正确选项,是考察的划线部分!
GMAT SC没必要搬石头砸自己脚
所以还是觉得OG的解释有点欠妥当 |