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CMU MSCF 实习及全职信息更新 (4月16日更新,中国公民已全部找到实习)


There are 17PRC citizens in the MSCF 2010 Full Time Class, 17/17 have secured internships and 16/17 have accepted the offer,below is the 16 accepted offers (declined offers not listed):

Location: New York
AXA EquitableLife Insurance Company, Dynamic Hedging Department, Associate
Barclays Capital,Index Strategy, Associate
BNP Paribas:Fixed Income, Trading/Research, Associate
BNP Paribas:Fixed Income, Trading/Research, Associate
BTG Pactual: MortgageModeling
Citi: Quantitative Trading and Analysis, Analyst
Citi: Quantitative Trading and Analysis, Analyst
Morgan Stanley: Quantitative Finance (IDEAS), Associate

Location: Hong Kong
BarclaysCapital, Trading, Associate
Deutsche Bank,Global Markets, Associate
Deutsche Bank,Global Markets, Senior Analyst
Deutsche Bank,Global Markets, Senior Analyst

Location: Singapore
BarclaysCapital, Index Research and Sales, Analyst
NomuraSecurities, Commodities Trading, Analyst
NomuraSecurities, Commodities Trading, Analyst

Location: London
CapulaInvestment Services, Quant Research
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http://www.tepper.cmu.edu/master ... partners/index.aspx

45/55的人找到了internship,最大的雇主是投行,36/45是的Offer来自投行,金融危机前比例似乎也没有这么高,可能因为2009这届缩招了而且正好赶上投行恢复期。中国人(会说汉语,会写汉字的带中国血统的,但不包括ABC)20多个,现在还在找的有2个。已经定了的中国同学,绝大多数(除了两人去了buy side)在36个投行offer当中。发Offer最多的是DB(6),UBS(5),BNP Paribas(5),BarCap(5),Citi(4),Goldman(4)和Nomura(4)。Tepper在DB的顶梁柱Jon Kinol五月将加入Credit Suisse任Head of Rates Products,希望与CS关系可以加强。

注:report中仅列Accepted的Offer,而不包括学生decline的Offer,Internship Class至今统计进来的Offer数是82个。

Mean Acceptance: $7485; Median Acceptance: $7946 (Monthly)

全职方面,截至3月底,60/71的学长们已经找到工作。投行依然是最大的雇主,其中33个投行Offer,剩下的不乏Citadel,Capula,Getco,Two Sigma等公司。发Offer最多的是BarCap,DB和Citi。

Mean Acceptance: $88359; Median Acceptance: $85000 (Annual, including sign-on bonus but not performance based bonus)



春假玩得太爽,回来发现中国同学找得都差不多了,Full Time 大约21个同学,至少有17个人已经有Offer(s),其他还有些同学的情况不知道。

职位主要分布在纽约,新加坡,香港,东京和伦敦,最多的是Sales & Trading,其次是Quant, 再然后就是Hedge Fund,所以这里Clarify一下,Top MFE去FO desk的同学很多,因为MFE学的东西是与Sales & Trading 最相关的,有一些大行已经把S&T的招聘重点转向MFE而不是MBA了。

Summer Offers不完全统计如下(仅限于中国同学,不包括ABC):

NY, Boston and Stamford:
Morgan Stanley, Quantitative Finance (IDEAS) Associate
State Street Associate, Research Associate
Citigroup, Quantitative Trading and Analysis, Analyst * 3
Barclays Capital, Index Strategy, Associate
BlackRock, Financial Modelling
BNP Paribas, Fixed Income Research and Trading, Associate * 2
UBS, Market Risk Associate
UBS, Quantitative Analysis Associate
S&P, Structured Products Analytics

HK and SGP:
DB, Global Markets Associate
DB, Global Markets Senior Analyst * 2
Nomura, Fixed Income S&T Analyst * 3
Barclays Capital, Trading Analyst

UBS, Equity Trading Analyst
GS, Market Risk Analyst

Capula (中国人开的HF中的佼佼者,中投是投资人之一), Quantitative Research



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