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美国商学院Profiles- University Of Michigan Ross

Program Basics
      Stephen M. Ross School of Business Office of Admissions 701 Tappan St. Room E2540 Ann Arbor, 48109, Michigan United States Program Web site: http://www.bus.umich.edu/admissions/bba Program e-mail address: Rossbba@umich.edu Program phone number: 734-763-5796
    • Status: Public (state-operated)
    • AACSB accredited: Yes
    • Year in which the undergraduate business program was founded: 1943
    • Institution: Four Year
    • Business Program: Other
收藏 分享

Institution's total undergraduate enrollment: 41,924
Undergraduate business program's full-time enrollment: 1,138

Freshman retention rate for your college or university?: 96 %
Percentage of students who graduate from the business program:
Within four years of admission to the university: 98 %
Within six years of admission to the university: 99 %
Undergraduate Business Degrees Offered:
Degree Offered (e.g. BA, BS)/Program Name: BBA



Annual Tuition (Resident): $11,648.00

Annual Tuition (Non-Resident): $35,812.00

Annual Required Fees: $189.00

Tuition Per Academic Credit (Resident): $456.00

Tuition Per Academic Credit (Non-Resident): $1,463.00

Annual Room and Board: $9,192.00
Annual Cost of Books: $1,048.00


Students in newest entering class (2010-2011) that are:
Female: 31 %
International: 13 %
Mean and Median age of full-time business students in the 2010-11 entering class:
Mean: 19
Median: 19
Percentage of 2010-11 entering class:
Top 10% of high school class: 17 %
Top 25% of high school class: 90 %
GPA of 3.75 or higher: 84 %
GPA of 3.5 to 3.74: 14 %
SAT scores for the 2010-11 entering class of full-time undergraduate business students:
Mean: 1363
Median: 1360
Middle 50% range of SAT scores:
From: 1310
To: 1420
Mean and Median ACT scores for the 2010-11 full-time undergraduate business students:
Mean: 31
Median: 31
Middle 50% range of ACT scores for the 2010-11 full-time undergraduate business students:
From: 29
To: 32
Citizenship breakdown of 2010-11 entering class:
US: 87 %
Canada: 1 %
Other Non-US Citizens: 13 %
Unknown Citizenship: 0 %
US Citizens in 2010-11 entering class:
African American: 2 %
Asian American: 17 %
Hispanic or Latino American: 4 %
Multiethnic/Multiracial: 2 %
Native American: 0 %
White (Non-Hispanic): 74 %
Chose not to report: 1 %
Other: 0 %
Regional breakdown of US Citizens in 2010-11 entering class:
Northeast: 20 %
Mid-Atlantic: 6 %
South: 4 %
Southwest: 1 %
Midwest: 65 %
West: 3 %
Possessions and territories: 0 %


ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the Institution
Which standardized tests are required of all applicants?:
ACT With Writing

Are interviews required?: Not offered
Application deadlines for the 2011-2012 academic year
Fall 2012 02-01-2012
Winter 2012 10-01-2011
Spring 2012 02-01-2012
Summer 2012 02-01-2012

Additional application requirements: All speakers of English as a second language must submit English language proficiency examination results. International students must submit the International Supplement. Home Schooled students must submit the Home School Supplement.

Total number of full-time undergraduate applications (admitted and denied) to all programs: 31,613

Percentage of applicants admitted: 51 %

Percentage of admitted applicants who enrolled: 41 %

Percentage of applicants (admitted and denied) to the entire college for the 2010-11 academic year who were international: 16 %

Percentage of college applicants (admitted and denied) for the 2010-11 academic year who were female: 31
Relative Importance of Application Elements
Secondary school record: Very Important
Class rank: Considered
Talent/ability: Considered
Interview: Not Considered
Extracurricular activities: Considered
Volunteer work: Considered
Character/personal abilities: Important
Application essay: Important
work experience: Considered
SAT/ACT scores: Important
Recommendations: Important
High school GPA: Important


ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the Business Program

Undergrad business program admissions are managed by: The business program office
Total number of applicants (admitted and denied) to the undergraduate business program for the 2010-11 academic year: 2185
Percentage of applicants admitted to the program (selectivity)?: 28 %
Percentage of admitted applicants who enrolled (yield): 73 %

Entrance exam other than the SAT/ACT required for admission to the undergraduate business program?: No

Admissions interviews for the undergraduate business program are: Not offered
Freshman admission:
Does the business program admit freshmen?: Yes
What percentage of 2010-11 admissions to the business program were freshmen? 28 %
Are business students admitted to the program as freshmen required to complete or obtain minimum GPAs? Yes
Process for freshmen admission?: Indicate interest on university application
Additional application requirements for freshman admits: Applicants should address their interest in business when writing the U-M supplemental essay in the common application.
Internal transfers:
Method for handling internal transfers: Separate application
Additional application requirements, including course/grade requirements: Complete 3 prerequisite courses (Calculus, Microeconomics, and Writing) earn at least 27 credits, all with a C or better, during freshman year.


Five largest on-campus organizations for business students:
Michigan Consulting Club
Michigan Finance Club
Michigan Accounting Club
Net Impact
Interactive Investments Club

Are freshmen required to live on campus?: No
Are business students grouped together in 'learning communities' in housing and other facilities?: No


Minimum number of credit hours required to receive an undergraduate business degree:
BBA 120



Average class size in required business classes, excluding those offered in electronic format: 53
Average class size in BUSINESS ELECTIVES, excluding those offered in electronic format: 39
Average class size in NON-BUSINESS ELECTIVES required for admission: 28
Percentage of business classes:
With 20 or fewer students: 10 %
With 21 to 50 students: 48 %
With more than 50 students: 42 %
Course enrollment:
Percentage of required business courses reaching maximum enrollment by the first day of class: 84 %
Percentage of required business courses with waiting lists: 7 %


Number of elective courses (not different sessions of same course) available in the business program in the current academic year: 66
Names of new electives that have been added to the business program in the current academic year: Maize and Blue Fund

In what year was the last major change or significant overhaul to the business program's core curriculum?: 2005
Total number of faculty currently teaching in the undergraduate business program: 79
Percentage of the total faculty that is tenured or tenure track: 52 %
Most prominent faculty:
Jane Dutton
Aradhna Krishna
Jim Walsh
Business program's leading areas of study:

New electives added in current academic year:
Maize and Blue Fund
Maize and Blue Fund Senior Analyst
Action Learning Projects
Applied Quant/Value Portfolio Management
Intellectual Property Law
Special Programs:
Special programs available to business students: Carson Scholars – Washington Campus BBA: LHC 488 (Business and the Public Policy Process) is an intensive, one-week course in Washington, D.C., designed to provide students with the frameworks, concepts, and tools needed to incorporate the public policy dimension into managerial decision making and strategic planning. For additional information please see: http://www.bus.umich.edu/Academi ... ashingtonCampus.htm



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