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139. As the etched lines on computer memory chips havebecome thinner and the chips’ circuits more complex, the power of both the chips and the electronic devices they drive has vastly increased.

140. As the housing affordability gap widens, middle-income families are especially hard-hit, for these families can no longer afford to buy homes, yet rising rental rates force them to use far more than the standard 25 percent of their incomes for housing, leaving them with no equity or tax write-offs to offset the expenditures.

141. As the price of gasoline rises, making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute, the prices of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.

142.As U.S. nuclear attack submarines prowl their familiar haunts deep within the oceans of the world these days, they increasingly are engaged in missions far different from the tasks for which they were built and for which their crews were trained over the last forty years.

213. Clark and Florence Wallace, a husband-and-wife medical team, worked steadily and efficiently through the night, but as they sipped their coffee the next morning, she noticed that he seemed disoriented.


401. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the potential energy of the cars, gained as a chain drive lifts them through the Earth’s gravity to the top of the first drop, has been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.

418. In the textbook publishing business, the second quarter is historically weak, because revenues are low and marketing expenses are high as companies preparefor the coming school year.

494.As machines replaced human labor, it was widely anticipated that the workweek would continue to become shorter.

554. One legacy of Madison Avenue’s recent campaign to appeal to people fifty years old and over is the realization that as people age, their concerns change as well.

961. Consumer confidence levels, which many economists consider an early indication of the economy’s direction, sagged as the stock market tumbled, but not dramatically enough to give umbled a clear picture of new spending patterns.



126. As envisioned by researchers, commercial farming of lobsters will enable fisheries to sell the shellfish year-round, taking advantage of off-season demand, to standardize its sizes and colors, and to predict sales volume in advance.

131. As measured by the Commerce Department, corporate profits peaked in the fourth quarter of 1988 and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs.

586. Prompted by new evidence that the health risk posed by radon gas is far more serious than was previously thought, authorities are advising property owners to test all dwellings below the third floor for radon gas and to make repairs as needed.

744. The exigencies of dramatic art, as shown even by the history plays of Shakespeare,make the foreshortening of dramatized historical events inevitable.






14.A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head, lasts for hours or days, and may recur as infrequently as once every other month or as often asdaily.

88. Although many Whites, noting the presence of some Blacks in the middle class, think that the time for enforcing civil rights measures is past, Blacks generally are aware that average-income and unemployment figures show as wide a radical discrepancy as ever.



40.According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about as many as are enrolled in the nation’s four-year colleges and universities.

111. An inventory equal to 90 days sales is as much as even the strongest businesses carry, and then only as a way to anticipate higher prices or ensure against shortages.

130. As many as 300 of the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may actually be the works of his students or other admirers.

181. Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet’s student and protégé when he was nineteen and, for a few years in the 1940’s, came as close to being a carbon copy of the jazz virtuoso in performance as anyone has ever come.

244. Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do.


363.In a recent poll, 86 percent of the public favored a Clean Air Act at least as strong as the present act.

428. Inflation has made many Americans reevaluate their assumptions about the future; they still expect to live better than their parents did, but not so well as they once thought they could.

441. It is as difficult to prevent crimes against property asit is to prevent those against a person.

442. It is characteristic of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as it is of virtually every great American museum, that the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections as have the judgments of the art historian.

527. Never before had taxpayers confronted as many changes at once as they confronted in the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

649. Since conscious patients often died of shock on the operating table, the invention of anesthesia was as essential to the development of surgery as the invention of the propeller was to powered flight.

825. The sale of government surplus machinery will begin at 9 a.m. and continue as long as the supply lasts

843. The use of chemical pesticides in this country is as extensive as it was ten years ago, if not more so.

859. Thomas Eakins’ powerful style and his choices of subject—the advances in modern surgery, the discipline of sport, the strains of individuals in tension with society or even with themselves—were as disturbing to his own time as they are compelling for ours.



52. According to the Better Business Bureau, failure to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as the lowest violates the New York Consumer Protection Law.

82. Although he is as gifted as, if not more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is extremely modest and will not publish his poetry.

195. California’s child-support payments are as high as, or higher than, those of any other state.

472. Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, those outside the pinelands.

533. Newcomers to southern California are surprised to discover that, in spite of the temperate climate, heating bills are at least as high as those in most Midwestern or eastern cities.

756. The five hundred largest manufacturing firms in the United States produce goods worth almost as much as those of the remaining four hundred thousand firms.

846. The visiting pharmacologists concluded that the present amalgam of Chinese and Western medicine is probably as good as, or better than, any other system that might be devised for the patients treated at the Nan Kai hospital in Tian-jing.

935. Wind resistance created by opening windows while driving results in a fuel penalty a s at least as great as that incurred by using air conditioning.



68 Although life expectancy for children improved after the Colonial period, during which the mortality rate was 50 percent,as late as the nineteenth century about one child in three died before reaching the age of six.

101.Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century of case-by-case adjudication has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be drawn from “a fair cross section of the community.”

135As recently as 1950, tuberculosis was never curable unless patients were sequestered in sanitariums; today, the drug Isoniazid has made such treatment obsolete.

159. Using accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.”

274. Egyptians are credited with having pioneered embalming methods as long ago as 2650 B.C.


969. Leaching, the recovery of copper from the drainage water of mines, was a well-established method of mineral extractionas early as the eighteenth century, but until about 25 years ago miners did not realize that bacteria taken an active part in the process.

296. Few people realize that the chance of accidental injury or death may be at least as great in the “safety” of their own homes asin a plane or on the road.

154. Automation has undermined the traditional position of labor as much by robbing workers of the special Skills that were once their most important strength as by eliminating jobs.

588. Psychologists now contend that the way adults think and feel is determined as much by their early childhood peers as by their parents.

737. The efforts of the bipartisan committee were marked as much by frustration as by success.

662. Some historians of science have argued that science moves forward not so much because of the insights of great thinkers as because of more mundane developments, such as improved tools and technologies.

469. Kansas Republican Nancy Kassebaum, one of only two women in the U.S. Senate in 1992, said she did not wish so much for more women senators as for more moderate Republicans.


As…as possible

909. Urban officials want the census to be as accurate and complete as possible because the number of low-income people in a given area affects the distribution of about fifty billion dollars a year in federal funds.

947. Because they desire to be as thin as possible, young female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good eating habits.



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