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【求助】GWD-23-Q41 their指代物的问题

Using a criterion based on an object’s color, astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies so distant from Earth that their light has taken 85 percent of the age of the universe to reach us.
A.astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies so distant from Earth that their light has taken

B.astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies that were so distant from Earth for their light to take
C.astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies to be so distant from Earth such that their light takes
D.23 galaxies were recently identified by astronomers to be so distant from Earth for their light to take
E.23 galaxies were recently identified by astronomers as so distant from Earth their light has taken

这里我选A,其中DE和开头的分词结构逻辑不搭配,C很awkward,B选项的so ... for ... to do ...很难受而且好像所有的这种结构都错了,相比较而言这么复杂的表述方式不如用so ... that来的清晰,但这里有个小问题就是their指代的问题,一般情况下they指代复数人,it指代单数人/物,so指代动作,those指代复数物,那么是不是their可以指代所有的复数所有格呢?请NN指教

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A的时态是怎么回事啊。  helphelp


they 既可以指代人也可以指代物
they them their 同物指代 用来指代前面出现过复数名词(用法基本同It) 三者唯一区别所有格不同

those 是指代复数 但是跟they的区别是 those异物指代 是that的复数(用法同that)



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