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北美10.17 113及经验


Test Test Date Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
TELXML October 17, 2008 30 29 26 28 113


我大学是学英语的,大二时考过一次pbt, 考所以这次完GMAT后准备了1周的托福,看了OG了解了新题型,然后只准备了口语。建议英语功底比较好、准备时间不多的同学也这么做,阅读、听力和作文短期是不会提高的,所以不要不放心什么都看。而且这几项差别一般就1到2分,而口语要是发挥不好就是好几分。我平时口语很好,可刚开始练时说得好差,第一二题找不到话说,后面题对话的还好,学术的把握不好结构,还没说完时间就到了。所以口语好的人也不要浮躁,还是要认真准备。




我把Delta Key 4套题口语部分都做了,每道题听的时候要注意哪些内容,说的时候的结构要熟练,体现结构的句子要清晰,用几个关键词准确表达,还有时间把握。

大多时候我是在练1 2题,把黄金口语80题都准备了一遍,内容还改呀改,力求完美。然后对着机经把常见的topic熟练了。


考试时第一题是我练过很多遍的,很高兴,说得超溜,第二题没准备到,觉得有点不完美,后面题都很清楚回答了要点,所以我一直以为口语可以28-29分,没想到其他都是good, 第一题居然是fair! 而且评价里居然有limited grammer and vocabulary! 其实我考完有一点担心1题,语法肯定是没问题的,但我当时用了好多大词(就是因为ETS经常说什么limited vocabulary ),考后想想都觉得不像口语,再加上我说得太顺,可能被当成了背书。所以准备时想想要点就可以了,自然点,像我第二题就没有第一题那么溜,分反而高。

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1. What type of book do you enjoy reading? History, lover, XXX, etc.

2. The best lesson we can learn is through making mistake. Agree or disagree?


3. Passage:A student proposes to the university to change the policy that prohibits eating in classrooms. The reasons are: 1) When the students feel hungery, eating some snacks can help them to get more energy therefore be more concentrated; 2) If students are allowed to eat in class, they can hold some class partieswhen a semester is over. It is a good way of gathering and celebration.


Conversation: The man disagrees with the proposal and there are 2 reasons: First, eating in class may help the student to concentrate, but it can also disturb other students, as the sound of chewing, biting will distract other students from listening to the professors. Second, holding party in the last class is not a good idea, because usually, the classes in the end of semester are the most important, as students need to review and prepare for the exams.


4. Passage: Comfort Zone Bias -- In psychology, the concept of comfort zone is that people have natural tendency to stay in the area that they are familiar with, and usually donnot risk trying sth new

Lecture:  The prof citedthe example of his friend to elaborate the comfort zone concept. He's got a friend who wanted eagerly  to be a film reviewer, but he end up to found a job as new reporter. In several years, he had adapted to the job as new reporter and excelled at hiswork. Then he was given a chance to be a film reviewer as sb quit, but he chose not to change his profession as he was already used to being a new reporter and that made him more comfortable.


5. Man's problem: Housing problem. He's stayed on campus, but the roommate he likes is moving out. He's facing 2 choices: 1) Still live in the dorm as it is really convenient, but the school may assign another roommate to him. He worries that they may have different schedules and he may not feel comfortable living with a new roomie. 2) He rent a house with friends off campus. It is more economical, as they could split the rent and living with a group of people is fun. But it is too far from campus.

Which one to choose?


6. How do organisms survive in deep sea? 2 adaptions help them to survive: 1) special body structure: eg. eel has big mouth and stomach which enable them to eat stuff bigger than them and help them to get enough nutition to sustain for a long time. 2) Generating light: angler fish can generate light near their mouth. The light can attract other small fishes that they feed on.


作文:Passage: living roof (building'roof with plants) is beneficial as it can 1)serve as public park that beautifies the city and provide people a place to relax 2) reduce water pollution and flooding 3) function as air conditioning system so as to save energy and cost.

Lecturer: ...limited benefits and can even generate some problem: 1) they are too high to be seen / only residents of the building can have access, not open to everybody to relax 2) water leakage which can damage the building 3) the installation and maintenance is costy. The cost can be even higher that what we save


阅读第一篇是写广告对儿童的影响,什么儿童会被misled, 区分不了fancy / reality, 明星队广告的正面负面作用。我好意思我一向读完小说就忘光情节的,所以阅读内容记不完,这篇还是考完跟两个考生聊到才想起。






我觉得阅读不难,印象中词汇体挺多,只记得有个paradoxically,选项里没有十分贴切的意思,我就选了surprisingly, 可能在文中比较适用。不过考完听到两个老外都大呼awful,他们说比Delta Key难多了,我没看Delta的阅读,所以做过Delta的要做好心理准备。




还有个对话是男生和faculty advisor, 男生兼职reporter,很有成就感,想转学新闻,但学校没这个专业,advisor说以后做新闻,找工作时都是不看专业的,是要看以前成果和让你做一次report试试(有题),做reporter最好选一领域,学生喜欢法律,所以可以现在报道court的新闻锻炼一下,而且也可以提供一些师生关心的新闻。

lecture都是学术,记不太清楚。一篇讲北回归线附近岛民利用constellation navigate,还有。。。一下想不起来了,想起来再补。



1 MM丢钱包,办ID

2. 神经细胞那个

3. Wordsworth and Romanticism 经典加试都有详细机井




1. People believe that traveling in our own country is more beneficial than traveling in foreign countries. Agree or not?








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