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求解 OG12--48~

OG12 SC 48
In 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the
Iliad, a work that, taking him seven years until
completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson,
Pope’s contemporary, pronounced
the greatest
translation in any language.
(A) his translation of the Iliad, a work that, taking
him seven years until completion, and that
literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s
contemporary, pronounced
(B) his translation of the Iliad, a work that took him
seven years to complete and that literary critic
Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary,
(C) his translation of the Iliad, a work that had taken
seven years to complete and that literary critic
Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary,
pronounced it as
(D) translating the Iliad, a work that took seven
years until completion and that literary critic
Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary,
pronounced it as
(E) translating the Iliad, a work that had taken seven
years to complete and literary critic Samuel
Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it

Logical predication; Grammatical construction

Pope’s translation of the Iliad, not the Iliad itself,
took seven years to complete. Th e main point of
the sentence is that Pope began this translation in
1713, and every other comment about it must be
subordinated to that opening claim, in parallel
relative clauses.
A A work that … requires a verb; without it,
the sentence is a fragment.
B Correct. Pope’s translation is described as a
work, which is then described concisely in
two dependent clauses.
C Th e pronoun it after pronounced is redundant,
an ungrammatical reference to a work, which
has already been referenced by the relative
pronoun that.

我想问下pronounce的用法,撇去it不说,一般用pronounce A B, pronounce A as B都可以吗? 朗曼上
只看到pronounce A B...
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in my sense, it should go w/ a pronounce x y, not x as y.


哎呀,c有了it就错了。pronouce x y, name x y, claim ...都差不多吧,不需要as


根据OG12的解释。这道题是这样的:D和E中的主句宾语是Illiad,所以后面a work指代的是Illiad,显然这个题里Illiad是个原著,而Pope只不过是翻译它的。所以D和E因为逻辑错误被排除了。

A选项里那个   …… ,a work that,…… 的结构很明显错误。

C选项是个重点,其结构是a work that……and  that……。亮点来咯,OG说,后面那个it为什么不对呢,是因为it和前面的that重复了。多读几遍这个错误选项,就会发现越发的有问题。



我来PO一下 pronounce的用法好了
pronounce verb ( TO STATE ) formal   to state something officially or certainly

[+ object + noun or adjective]

you pronounced the man (= said that he was) a fool.

[+ that]




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