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1Describe a specific situation when someone on your team was not carrying theirweight and how you handled it. (60 seconds)

2 Whatdo you expect to be doing ten years from now? (60 seconds)

3 Givean example of where you pushed yourself to do more than the minimum. (60seconds)

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最后也附上我准备时搜集的论坛上几乎全部面经, 希望对未来的申请者有用哈!
AnswerTime: 60~90 seconds
Leadership/Team work/Responsibility/Communicativeskills
1.Basedon your last team experience, how do you think yourteammates would describe you?
2. Tellus about one of the most effective teams(有效团队) you participated in.
3. mostimportant accomplishments
4. Ifyou were on a sports team, would you prefer to be a player, team captain orcoach? Why? (60s)
5. Give an example of where you pushed yourself to domore than the minimum. (60s)
6. Whatdo you think your three qualities to be an effective leader
7. Tellme about a time when you were on a team and it did not work well
8. Asituation where you provided direction?
9.What do you see as your strengths and areas forimprovement in working with others? (60s)

10. Tellus about a time when you worked with someone who had a different perspectivefrom you.
11. Whenfacing a conflict, which of the following characteristics is most important insolving the conflict? Why? communication, adaptability, experience 12.Describe a time where you had to communicate an idea that was not wellreceived. How did you re-frame your idea? (60s)
13. 说说你遇到的最难deal with的人的经历
14. Tellus about a time that you had to do some work you weren't excited about and howyou executed it.
15. Tellus about a time when your expectations were not met and how you responded.(60s)
16. Whatis the biggest risk you have taken? What was the outcome? What would you dodifferently if you did it again?
17. Tellus about the major challenges you have faced at school or in your job over thelast year. What made them so? (60s)
18. Whatdid you like about your undergraduate experience? Are you looking for somethingsimilar? (60 seconds)

Learning ability
19、Tell me about a computer programyou currently use. How did you learn about that program? (60s)
20. Whatareas of studies you hope to further develop and how have you developed themthus far?
21. Whatis the most important thing you learned from school? (60s)
22. Doyou think your undergraduate grades are a good indication of your academicachievement? Why or why not? (60s)
23. 你觉得你在什么样的study environment下最comfortable
24. 如果你能拥有一个超能力,你希望是什么
25. Whathave you learned from your participation in extracurricular activities
26.  In what areas do you have expertise?

Culture Difference
27.Describe a chance that you adapt to a new environment, a kind of "fish outof water" situation?
28. Tellus about a time where a cultural difference impacted a working relationship.(60s)

About program
29. Why Olin's MAcc?
30. Why do you want to pursue the Master of Accounting degree at Washington University'sOlin Business School?(90s)
31. Whatis your motivation for applying to this program(60S)
32. Whyshould we admit you over someone else (60s)
33.Inwhat way do you think you could make a contribution to our program? (60s)
34. Whatare the top three things that are most important to you when looking atgraduate schools? (60s)

Career goals
35. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?(60s
36. Why is the lifestyle of this industry right foryou? (60s)
37.Describe your perfect job upon finishing this program
38. thejob you'd like to work after graduation and what skills you need for this job(60s)
39.Compare your goals going into your undergraduate degree to your goals now.

About I
40. Howdo you manage your time? (60s)
41. Howwould you describe yourself to someone who did not know you? (60s)
42. 你朋友会指出你的三个优点和三个可以提高的地方?
43. Walkme through your typical day. (60s)
44. Tellus about the constructive criticism a faculty member gave you.
45. Whatevents have been crucial in your life(60S)
46. Whatis your favorite memory from childhood?
47. Whatmark do you feel you've left on your undergraduate school?
48. Whatdo you consider your greatest strength and greatest weakness? (60s)
49. Whatkind of hobbies and activities do you enjoy in your spare time? (60s)

50. Talk about a current event evolving in the worldheadlines and why you find it interesting. (60s)
52.your favorite animal?
53. Can you please share something fun/unique about yourself that we may notalready know?
54.Tellus about one or two things that are unique or remarkable about you
55. How do you define success? what's your biggest success
56. 说说你怎样准备在很多人面前演讲的经历
57. If you could talk with any living (or deceased) person, with whom would itbe and why?(60s)
58.What was the best movie you watched last year and why






many thanks



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