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og13 新题107关于比较对象的问题
While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of power plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes it more expensive for them to generate electricity.
A. While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of power plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes it more expensive for them to generate electricity.
OG对于A选项并没有提出比较对象有错误。看了OG对D的解释,OG认为这里比较对象是正确的。OG把“nuclear plants ”和“ other types of power plants”同作为run的宾语。这么理解倒是真的可以,两个同性质的名词作比较。但是我纠结,这里the same X as Y, X和Y要平行的啊,怎么可以把X(to run nuclear plants)中的一部分(nuclear plants)拿出来和Y( other types of power plants)做比较呢?国外论坛上对A的解释倒是指出了比较对象的问题——faulty comparison: cost of running compared with other types of power plants 。这里把“to run nuclear plants”写成“cost of runnng”,我的理解是他把“to run nuclear plants”的意思解释成“cost of runnng”了。但无论如何,有老外指出这里比较对象有问题了。OG又没有说,到底是因为没有错,还是漏掉没说?
B While the cost of running nuclear plants is about the same as for other types of power plants, the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants make the electricity they generate more expensive.
correct。注意这里不是the same X as Y的结构,是X the same as Y。
C. Even though it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as for other types of power plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes the electricity they generate more expensive.
OG又没有说这比较对象有问题。“ to run nuclear plants”和“ for other types of power plants”对等嘛?虽然这两个短语结合前面的意思都是在讲cost的意思,但前者要求的cost是动词,后者要求的cost是名词。这样还能算对等嘛?还能进行比较吗?
D. It costs about the same to run nuclear plants as for other types of power plants, whereas the electricity they generate is more expensive, stemming from the fixed costs of building nuclear plants.
E. The cost of running nuclear plants is about the same as other types of power plants, but the electricity they generate is made more expensive because of the fixed costs stemming from building nuclear plants.
对本题比较对象的平行非常纠结,虽然各错误选项可以从其他方面找出错误,但还是希望把比较对象弄明白。 |