热乎乎的Lehigh skype interview ~ [2014-03-06]
面试官是Candice,人非常好,基本整个过程都在笑,很放松, 整个过程45min,是我经历过最长时间的面试了。
1. where do you from? where do you live now? what is the weather like in there?
2. Tell me about your internships?
3. The most successful teamwork experience/ project you have.
4. Tell me about a difficulty you have in your teamwork experience.
5. Do you have any previous English writing experience? Do you have any technical skills(like computer skills)?
6. 可能是最有价值的部分--Role play: 给你一个situation,看你怎么解决。 给我的situation是:
她是boss,我是employee, 我现在手里面有三个项目,都到周五截止,周五之后我就要去vacation。这时候boss又给我一个项目,但是你实在没有时间做,看你怎么样reject这个boss。然后就开始role play了。 (不得不说Candice演的真像。。。。)
7. how do you know about Lehigh unviersity?
8. What else do you want to say to convince us to grant your admission?
其他的可能还有一些零碎问题没记住,应该也不重要,想到了再补上。。。希望能帮得到大家哈。 |