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Having read The Great Charter Movement, I finished chapter 8 of another novel. The characters in the book were impressive. They showed their characteristic features in their own ways. The hero, Andrew was tolerant in character. He might be characterized as a man of mercy. Andrew was in charge of a company. He met a woman by chance at a party. Her charm of manner made her popular. No other women dared to challenge her beauty. It was said she was a City Beauty champion. Andrew wanted to chase her. He decided to take a chance. He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again. The next day, after checking up on the weather chart, Andrew chartered a ship to her city. The ship followed the channel into the port. He remained cheerful throughout the trip. Once he stepped on the bank, Andrew checked in at a hotel. It was surprising that the pretty woman welcomed him so much. Andrew hoped he could stay longers, but he had to check out before next Monday. The last morning when Andrew woke up, he found his room was in chaos and the woman was gone. The TV channel was broadcasting a boring talk show. A police officer that took charge of larceny interviewed Andrew in his chamber. He told him that the woman had cheated his passessions. But Andrew forgave her completely with charity. He just wanted her back !


读过英国宪章运动之后,我又读完了另一本小说的第8。书中的人物都让人印象深刻。他们用他们自己的方式展示了他们独有的特色。男主角安得鲁性格很宽容。可以用仁慈描述他的特性。安得鲁主管一家公司。他碰巧在一个宴会上遇到了一名女子。她风度迷人,备受欢迎。没有其他女子敢挑战她的美丽。据说,她是一名城市丽人冠军。安得鲁想要追求她。他决定冒险一试。一想到又要见到她,他就高兴起来。第二天,在检查过天气后,安得鲁租船去她所在的城市。他整个旅程都有愉快的心情。他一上岸就在一家旅馆办理登记手续。令人惊奇的是那个漂亮女子非常欢迎他。安得鲁希望他能待久一些,但他必须下周一前结账离开。最后一个早晨安得鲁醒来后,他发现他的房间一片混乱,漂亮女子也不知去向。电视频道正在播放讨厌的脱口秀节目。一名负责盗窃罪的警官在房间会见了安得鲁。他告诉他那女子走了他的财产。但安得鲁因仁慈而完全原谅了她。他只想她回来!fficeffice" />


There was a chill in the air that morningWe chopped the block of wood into pieces and threw them into the fire place. The chimney poured smoke Into the alr. After the lamb chops dinnerwe made the circuit of the old city walls. The Circular tour took us 3hours. The circumference of the city was almost 10 milesAnd we found a story on the wallchiefly about a chemistHe had a chi1dish chinHe liked to play chessAnd he cherished a set of ancient chinaBut his favorite thing was to do chemical experiments.His last task was to make cheesescherry flavor and chestnut flavorAfter several dayshard workthe chemist decided to have a taste. He chewed some chips of cheese.Having given a few chokes, he got his breathIt tasted wonderful!  He was so happy that he lit up a cigarThe news circulated quickly. The paper praised him in chorusA Christian chorus sang Christmas carols for him. The mayor invited him to have a lecture. Due to circumstances beyond controlthe lecture was cancelledIt's a pity




This town had a temperate climate. On rainy days, most people would stay at home, listening to some classical music. When the weather cleared up, they would go out. Some youth even would climb the cliff. Some other young people would go to the circus. It had classic performances. The climax of the show was three cats using their sharp claws to draw pictures in the clay! Audiences clapped their hands in delight. But for Molly and Henry, the sister and the brother, the pleasure was to study. School education helped to civilize the people. It's one of the civil rights. And also, the government cited the Bible to claim that civilization was necessary. This morning, after clearing away the kitchen, they went to school. They wore civilian clothes like other students. The students in the school were classified by the subject they chose. Some students learned how to be a lawyer, how to face the clients and how to make every clause of the contract clear. Some focused on grammar. They must understand all kinds of clauses. Molly and Henry were in the debate class. Clarity of thinking was of greatest importance in a debate. In the class, the two sides clarified their contentions loudly. They were so serious that the two sides fought wlth each other. In the clash, Molly's necklace fell off because the clasp had broken. Henry picked it up and held Molly's hand in a firm clasp. It's a funny day!


这个小城气候温和。在雨天,多数人待在家里,听听古典音乐。天气放晴后,他们会出门去。一些年轻人甚至会去爬悬崖。另一些年轻人会去马戏团。那里有一流的演出。演出的高潮是三只小猫用它们锋利的爪子粘土上画画!观众们高兴地拍手。但对莫丽和亨利兄妹来说,学习才是他们的决乐。学校教育使人们文明起来。教育是一项公民权。并且政府也引用圣经来主张文明是必要的。这天早上,收拾完厨房后,他们就上学去。他们像其他学生一样穿着平民衣服。学校里的学生按他们选择的科目分类。有的学生学习如何成为一名律师,如何面对委托人并且如何使合同上的每个条款都非常清楚。有些学生注重语法,他们必须理解各种从句。莫丽和亨利在辩论班上。在辩论中,思维的清晰是最重要的。在课上,两方大声地阐明他们的论点。他们如此认真,以至于双方打了起来。在碰撞中,莫丽的项链掉在地上,因为钩子坏了。亨利将它捡起来并紧握住莫丽的手。真是有趣的一天!fficeffice" />


I coach people to drive. Last Sunday, I saw a tragedy. Two coaches collided with each other. A building collapsed.Many people clustered to see what happened. Five persons died during the collision. Coherent blood wet their clothes. And thewet cloths clung to their bodies. The police covered the dead with cloaks. A man volunteered to help them. His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intentions. A dead wonman clutched her purse tightly but he stole it. Few people noticed his coarse action. Then he wanted to escape from there but tripped over a coil of rope. His clumsy movement attracted the police. According to the clue a witness supplied, he was arrested. At the same time, a coal ship was sailing along the coast clockwise. One of my colleagues happened to be on the ship. His free time never coincided with mine. We only used Morse code to keeo in touch. So I was surprised to see him. What a coincidence! We two collaborated with the police to send the injured people to the nearest clinic . We worked around the clock. Everything was going smoothly with the collective ef-fort. After we finished this, my colleague showed me his latest butterfly collection. It was clipped in a box. Its really beauti-fuL .


辅导人们驾驶。上周日,我目睹了一场悲剧。两辆长途汽车互相碰撞。一座建筑倒塌了。许多人群集而来看发生什么了事情。有5人在碰撞中丧生。粘附的血弄湿了他们的衣服。并且湿衣服粘住了他们的身体。警察用外套盖住死者。一个男人自告奋勇帮助他们。他友善的举动实际上是对邪恶动机的掩盖。一名女死者牢牢住她的钱包但还是被他偷走了。很少人注意到他的粗鲁行为。然后他想逃离那里但被一绳索绊倒了。他那笨拙的动作引起了警方的注意。根据一名证人提供的线索,他被捕了。与此同时,一艘船正以顺时针方向驶向海岸。我的一个同事碰巧在船上。他的闲暇时间从不一致。我们只是用摩尔斯密码保持联系。因此我很惊奇地见到他。真是巧合!我们俩帮助警方把伤员送往最近的诊所。我们昼夜不停地工作。在共同努力下,所有的事情都进展顺利。完成了这一切后,我的同事向我展示了他最新的蝴蝶收集品。它被夹在一个盒子里,可真漂亮!fficeffice" />


ffice:smarttags" />New York was a big commercial city. Many people commuted between  home and offices everyday. Mr. Dodge and Mrs. Dodge know each other at a college committee. Both of them believed in communism and they communicated well. On that day the topic was, if the commonwealth should appoint a commission to find out why commodities cost so much. The chairman made a commonplace speech, which bored every commonsense audience. So a girl's compact speech cheered them up. The chairman's speech was hardly conparable with hers. The audiences made a comparative vote of the two speeches and the girl won. After graduation, Mr. Dodgebecame a salesman, receiving commissions on all sales he made. The girl was an architect. She had secured two commissions to design buildings. Love was poetically compared to flower. Mr.Dodge had considered her an ideal companion for himself. Having kept company with him for more than 2 years, she really loved him. Soon, they got married and had two children. The boy liked to draw a cicrl with compasses and the girl liked to swim in the swimming pool used in common. Sometimes the couple would work in community welfare deparment for free. If they were busy, the children would be committed to the care of an aunt. This family never booked the first-class compartment of the train. They weren't rich but were really happier by comparison.





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